Page 61 of Code Name: Timberwolf (Infinitum)
“She can’t just reinsert herself in our family like she never abandoned us.” What if we let her in and she leaves again? I won’t let her hurt us twice.
He’s quiet for a few seconds.
“What did John say?” I ask.
“He would die before letting her back into our lives and told me to talk to him when I found my sanity again.”
Sounds about right, though I’m sure he used some more colorful words.
“I don’t know what to tell you, dad. We’ve both made our peace with her choice.”
He sighs. “She’s your mother, no matter what.”
“She may have given me life, but she lost the right to be called mother the day she abandoned us.”
“People change, Liv. Will you come see her? I’ll fly you out when you’re ready.”
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. My instinct tells me to get mad. But my dad is trying to do what he thinks is right.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Ok.” He’s silent so long that I check my phone to make sure it’s still connected. He’s only silent when he’s trying to find words for something difficult.
“What is it, dad?”
“John says you and Luke are getting close.”
I lean into Luke, and he lets go of my hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders.
“We are.”
“I can’t say I’m thrilled with the idea of you being attached to him.” His voice is still neutral, but my anger rises.
“Maybe you should meet him first before you pass judgment.”
“It’s not judgment, Liv. It’s a fact. The only reason I haven’t flown out there to knock some sense into you is because your brother assures me he’s taking care of it.”
I go quiet so I don’t explode. Luke rubs my arm, but I can’t look at him or I’ll break down. My dad has never been this argumentative. He’s always supportive. An ugly thought takes root. What if it’s because he’s been hanging out with Barbara again? What if she’s trying to turn him against me? What if I'm the only reason she left?
“Dad…” It comes out on a choke, and I take in a breath to calm myself.
“Livvie honey. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Dad, I’m happy. I understand the risks of being with Luke, but he’ll keep me safe. If you met him, you’d see it too.”
“Honey, it’s too dangerous. I get all that money is appealing, but you don’t need it. John and I will always take care of you.”
My anger goes from zero to one hundred in about two seconds and my body tenses. “Excuse me?”
My dad sighs. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just never raised you to risk everything for a man.”
“Maybe that’s because you’ve never been in love!” My eyes sting, and Luke holds me tighter.
“You’re in love with him? You don’t even know him!” Dad says.
Shit. I did just imply that, right in front of Luke. It doesn’t matter. “My dad would never accuse me of dating someone for money. He raised me better than that. So until you can figure out where he went, kindly fuck off.”
“Watch your tone with me, young lady. You may be an adult, but you’re still my daughter,” he barks. He’s using his cop voice, which means he’s super pissed. I can relate. I am my father’s daughter.