Page 81 of Code Name: Timberwolf (Infinitum)
“Put Brando and Jackson on there too. And her brother,” Luke says.
Mark nods and pulls out his phone to silence the alert. Luke does the same and shows me the message he received. It displays the date, time, location, my heart rate and some other stuff I can’t decipher. I raise an eyebrow at the title across the top in bold letters.
“It’s your code name,” Luke says, grinning at me.
“I get a code name?”
“Yes. It comes in handy. Plus, it’s fun,” Mark says.
I smile at Luke, knowing where he got the idea from.
“What’s your code name?” I ask.
“Sexy Panther.” He winks and points a finger gun. I cackle.
“Rawr.” I form my hand into a claw and paw at his chest as he laughs with me.
“We called him Timberwolf in the Marines,” Mark says, smiling big when Luke sighs.
Mark gets my full attention and I rest my chin on my fist. “Tell me everything.”
He chuckles. “We were on patrol when we came across a group of Afghani kids. They were in grade school, about age ten. One of the younger girls kept pointing at Luke and saying ‘Laywa’ over and over. The older kids tried to stop her, but she ran straight for him. She was holding a small book and shoved it at him. It was a tattered kid's book in English about a timber wolf with pale blue eyes. In the story, he’s an outcast because it’s rare for adult wolves to have blue eyes. The wolf learns to accept his differences. Laywa means ‘wolf’ in Pashto. She’d never seen a person with eyes like the wolf’s before.”
“That’s adorable.”
Mark grins. “Sure was. She jumped into his lap and read the story to him. Twice.”
I smile at Luke, who looks like he’s a million miles away. My heart squeezes and I take his hand. “That’s so sweet.”
He grins and kisses me.
“What’s Mark’s code name?” I ask.
“Forty-year-old virgin,” Luke quips and even Mark laughs at that.
I smooth my thumb over the sticker. It flashes red again and their phones beep. “Whoops.”
“It’s alright if you push it by accident. One of us will call you the second it goes off and you can let us know if it’s a false alarm.”
“But I won’t be alone, right?”
Mark nods. “You’ll still be with one of us, but as you can see from last night, there are some unexpected blind spots we might encounter.”
Luke takes my hand. “Also, I hinted we were together in the interview last night. We might get attention from the press. But they’re not like Scotty. They’re respectful for the most part, but you might meet a few pushy ones. If anyone makes you uncomfortable or there are too many for Mark to handle, push the button.”
I can tell he’s nervous and gauging my reaction. It’s scary, but I can handle it. I nod and he relaxes.
A few hours later we say goodbye to Mark and Luke doesn’t waste any time. The second the door closes, he flips the lock and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me to his room while I laugh and smack his ass. I swipe his glasses off the kitchen island where he left them as we pass and hold them out to him after he flops me onto the bed.
“Get naked and put these on,” I say.
He quirks an eyebrow and leans over me after he follows my command.
I let out a little growl. “Come here, Clark.”
He chuckles low in his throat. “You get Clark for now, but Superman will be taking you out of this world.”
I cackle at his sexy nerd talk.
He devours my laugh and soon we’re both naked and our harsh gasps float around the room. I close my eyes and fall into his every touch. There’s no going back once I say my feelings out loud, but maybe that’s ok.