Page 12 of Unbroken
An Intimate Moment
Zane’ssorrowstartedto melt away at Maggie’s touch. Just like it had when he had come to her after his difficult meeting yesterday. Her touch, her scent, her simple presence made the tension leak from his muscles and calmness overtake his brain. He didn’t understand how she did it, but he knew he was quickly becoming addicted to it.
Maggie sighed and laid her head on Zane’s warm chest. He wrapped his arms around her and between the wine and their mingling heartbeats, they soon dozed. The sun moved causing shadows to lengthen. Zane slowly awoke with a cool breeze blowing a strand of Maggie’s hair across his face. After a few precious seconds of just enjoyed her warm weight on his chest and running his fingers through her silky, chestnut strands, her eyes fluttered open and he met her slow smile with one of his own.
“I could get used to waking up to that smile,” Zane said, his voice low and raspy from sleep. “I wonder how long we were out?”
“I’m not sure but I don’t think it was too long.” She stretched like a cat along the length of him. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this relaxed.”
Zane reached up and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Everything about her is so soft and sweet. How does anyone resist her? His fingers left her hair and traced down her jaw. He felt a fine shiver go through her. He let his thumb trace along the seam of her lips watching them intently as they parted slightly to the pressure. He was captivated, his eyes dilating to almost black as he watched her draw his thumb into her warm, wet mouth sucking gently then nipping against the tip. Zane became almost incapable of speech when those red, rose petal lips touched his and the feel of her teeth on his skin shot daggers of pleasure into his groin.
“Maggie...” he said huskily, incapable of full sentences but feeling like he needed to give her some warning of what she was doing to him.
She looked into his eyes at his utterance of his name. Her eyes widened in something like surprise at what she saw there.
“Zane? Was that ok?” she asked, her voice no longer holding her normal crisp, birdsong tones but melding into something tentative.
In answer, Zane swallowed hard and reached up to tangle his hands in her hair, capturing her lips again, pulling her to him. She let him drag her back down tightly to his chest, her softness sinking onto his hard planes, melding them together. He wanted to devour her mouth like she was his last meal. Zane had a brief thought that he shouldn’t be so rough, not with this precious rose, but those thoughts were quickly wiped away. Maggie met his desperate mouth with her own and slanted her head to help deepen the kiss even farther. Their tongues dueling, the kiss hard with lips and teeth like they couldn’t get enough. This woman continued to surprise him. His Southern belle was full of passion as well.
Zane reached down and took decadent curves of her ass into his hands and tried to pull her even tighter to him. His cock danced behind the denim of his jeans. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had him this tightly spun up with just a kiss. She nipped his bottom lip and what little control he had left snapped.
“Maggie!” He exclaimed and suddenly he rolled, flipping their positions, her now under him, his erection perfectly fitted between the V of her thighs. Maggie managed a single gasp of surprise before he continued to plunder her mouth, his hard chest against her breasts. His hands caught hers and pulled her arms over her head, leaving her pinned for his taking.
Maggie arched her back toward him, her breasts presented like a gift. Her legs engulfed his hips squirming for more contact even as his tongue stroked in and out of her mouth, his free hand roaming up and down her body. She writhed under him, his mouth and hands playing her like a fine instrument until he drew the small mewls of pleasure from her throat that had him grinning in pure male satisfaction. Rational thought was quickly escaping him, leaving him only thoughts of how to taste more of her and pull more of those lovely sounds from her mouth.
“So soft, you smell so good,” Zane mumbled as his lips descended down her neck and down to the hollow between her breasts just above the small pink bow on her bra.
“I need...” Maggie started but then stuttered to a stop when Zane’s mouth closed over one nipple over the satin cup of her bra.
“Tell me. Tell me what you need, baby,” Zane murmured to her as he moved to suck the other nipple into his mouth.
She was silent for several long beats, panting, and whimpering under his continued assault of her senses. “Touch you. I need to touch you. Please.” she implored, wriggling her hands to make her meaning clear.
He released her wrists and she immediately drove her fingers into his shaggy, sun-kissed hair dragging him back up to her mouth. He complied willingly, feasting again on her plump, pink lips, now even more so, swollen from his kisses. Her fingers left his hair and traveled down his broad back sneaking up under his T-shirt to feel the smooth, defined muscles there. He groaned into her mouth as she raked her nails lightly back down to his lean waist.
“Maggie...” he growled at her in warning again, rubbing his hard length against her. Even though they were separated by two layers of denim, she shuddered a little but then she simply nipped his lip and pulled back slightly to give him a wild but amused expression.
“Yes?” she purred at him.
She fucking purred at me. This woman! Zane pushed up on his hands and looked down at her. She played with the button to his Levi’s as he took a deep breath and tried to regain a modicum of composure. “As much as it pains me to say it, and heaven help me it does,” Zane gritted out. “We’re going to need to stop soon or I’m not going to be able to.”
“Who asked you to?” Maggie replied cheekily, running her fingers under the waistband of his jeans.
My Southern belle looks so prim and proper on the outside but...Zane was about to put any thoughts of being a good man out of his mind when he suddenly heard a motor coming closer. He scrambled up to his knees pulling Maggie with him. She had just gotten the buttons on her blouse closed when an ATV pulled into the glade.
“Awww, shit!” Levi swore as he took in the scene before him. Zane and Maggie were both completely dressed but Maggie’s lipstick was all over her mouth and Zane’s hair looked like he’d been in a hurricane. “I’m sorry, y’all. It’s almost dark so we thought you’d be done. Dani sent me to pick up the stuff. Shit! Pretend I wasn’t even here.”
He started to turn the ATV around when Zane waved him back. Zane stood up and pulled Maggie up to stand under one arm. he grinned and kissed her head Seeing deep red blush bloom across her face as she tucked her head into his shoulder. They had been so caught up, he hadn’t realized how late it had gotten. Zane knew he wasn’t any kind of country boy and wasn’t sure he wanted to be in these woods at night, whether Maggie was with him or not.
“Hey, man, no worries,” Zane assured him, placing another kiss on Maggie’s shiny, chestnut hair. Hair not nearly as sleek as it usually was. As ready as he had been to take Maggie then and there, now that the haze of lust had cleared from his eyes, he knew he would have regretted not making their first time more special than on a blanket in the woods. “We lost track of time. We need to get out of here anyway, before it gets dark.”
Levi ran his hands through his black curls, obviously uncomfortable. “Ok, well, good then. I’ll just gather up this stuff and go.”
“Let me help,” Maggie said, her need to put everything to rights overcoming her discomfort. She tidily placed the covers on the food containers, the dishes back in the picnic basket, folded the blanket and had it ready to be strapped to the ATV before Levi could even get started. “There now, ready to go.”
Levi shook his head, amused. “You are a wonder, Maggie.”
“That she is,” Zane agreed, hugging her to him again. “Thanks again, man, for all your help and tell Dani thanks as well.”