Page 19 of Unbroken
Mystery Woman
Maggiepeekedoutthe tinted windows of the town car nervously as they pulled up in front of the event. She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to meet Zane inside and felt her anxiety levels spike. She was just about to pull the phone out of her purse and call him when she saw his familiar tousled, blonde hair coming down the steps. She breathed a sigh of relief as he made it down the steps just as the driver opened the back door for her.
Zane reached down for her hand and a smile lit his face. “You made it!” His eyes raked her up and down, the gold flecks in his eyes seeming to sparkle as he took her in. She could feel the heat filling her cheeks at his perusal. His intense gaze made her feel like he didn’t see anyone else but her.
Maggie took his hand tightly and grinned as he helped her out of the car. “I did. Thank you for the nice ride.”
“I’m only sorry I couldn’t make it to pick you up myself. I feel really bad about that.” He tucked her arm through his and started to lead her up the steps to the venue. “You look stunning, by the way. Even more so than I could have imagined.”
Maggie blushed and tried to tuck her hair behind her ear but then realized it was pulled up in a French twist. She dropped her hand and clutched the small bag hanging from her shoulder instead. “Thanks,” she replied. “You clean up pretty good yourself.” So good, in fact, I want to climb you like a tree! She had always thought Zane a very handsome man in just jeans and a T-shirt, but Zane in a tux was truly breathtaking. She couldn’t believe this good-looking, accomplished man was here with her!
He led her through the lobby of the boutique hotel toward the ballroom. Maggie thought it was magical. It looked like it had been some long-ago Dallas mansion that had been converted. Their steps were cushioned by plush carpets and crystal chandeliers hung in abundance. She didn’t even want to think about what it took to keep those sparkling all the time. Staff was unobtrusive but, she noticed, ever present to help any guest who may even look like they may need something. She found herself stopping frequently to be introduced to Zane’s colleagues and friends. He seemed to know everyone there. Maggie couldn’t remember a single name, but she guessed that wasn’t important at this point. While she had been introduced to several attractive, older women who were the wives of some of Zane’s colleagues, she noticed a lot of the men had much younger, overly flirty women on their arms. These women were rarely introduced. It made her feel a little uncomfortable. Were these the kind of women Zane usually brought to these things? She felt small and insignificant next to them. Everyone she had met had been courteous, but she could tell they were curious about her, the mystery woman Zane had on his arm.
When they finally made it to the edge of the ballroom, Zane pulled her to his side and dropped his mouth to her ear. “Hey, you ok? You look a little sick all of the sudden.”
Maggie felt horrible that her glass face was giving her away. She forced a smile. “I’m fine. I guess I’m feeling a little like people are wondering why 007 brought Miss MoneyPenny to the ball,” she admitted. “Everyone is so perfect.”
Zane gave her a brief confused look but then took her hand and placed a warm kiss in the middle of her palm. “You, my Maggie, are definitely a Bond girl and not his secretary. I’m making it my mission to make you see yourself the way everyone else sees you. The way I see you.” He paused, gazing at her intently, oblivious to the people moving around them. “You are a mystery to them, though. I’ve never actually brought a date to one of these things. Everyone is just wondering who you are.”
Maggie’s perfectly winged brows shot up to her hairline. “You’ve never brought a date? Really?”
Zane nodded. “Really. Usually, I just wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. Now, though, I have someone special I want to show off.” He raised her hand to his lips again and gently kissed the back of her knuckles never taking his eyes off of hers.
Her mouth formed a perfect “O” of astonishment before she snapped it shut. Her brain and her mouth suddenly disconnected, and she couldn’t find any words to respond to his declarations. She hugged his arm tightly to her and smiled up warmly at him instead.
“C’mon, mystery woman, let’s go get some food before I have to speak.” Zane escorted her into the ballroom off the wide main hall. Maggie stood transfixed. Mama would be so jealous. As talented as she was, Maggie didn’t think her mother had ever put together anything like this. It was a magical winter wonderland, all blues and whites, glitter and ice everywhere. Ethereal Ice sculptures lined the buffet table. She had never seen so much food in one place! She wished she could figure out how to surreptitiously get her phone out and take some pictures for JT to see.
“Aren’t you hungry?” Zane asked. Maggie realized she had been standing and staring too long. He must think I’m a real country bumpkin now. Overwhelmed with the fancy food.
“Oh, I am. I was just admiring the display.” She started filling her plate. “JT and I just started doing some event catering on the side. Nothing like this, of course, but I know he’d get some good ideas to adapt for our little venture.”
Zane leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Want to snap a couple of pics for him? You could get them really quickly. I can block you from behind. No one would notice.”
Maggie stared up at him in astonishment. She couldn’t believe he could read her so well. “That would be fantastic!” She looked around guiltily, like she was about to steal one of the ice sculptures or dump a whole tray of shrimp into her purse. “Here, I’ll hold your plate.” Zane deftly took her plate and stood behind her at an angle, looking over her head like he was perusing the selections. She grabbed her phone from her small bag and took several quick shots up and down the long table before slipping it back into her clutch.
She grinned conspiratorially at him. “Thanks 007.”
“Anything for you my gorgeous Bond girl.” He winked back at her. “Just be sure to let your brother know I helped. Maybe it will help him thaw a little toward me.”
Maggie took her plate and her lips quirked into a wry smile. “I definitely will. And, don’t worry too much about my brother. He’s all bark. He’ll settle down soon enough.”
“I hope so,” Zane said as they moved toward their seats on the dais. “He’s going to be seeing a lot more of me, if I get my way, and I’d like to not feel like he’s going to try to thump on me every time he sees me.”
Maggie laughed. “Don’t worry. He knows I can thump him back if he tries it! He quit karate before I did. Pretty sure I can still take him.”
It was Zane’s turn to look astonished. “Karate? Maggie, you keep surprising me.”
"Well, we were only seven and eight, but still," she laughed.
Maggie just gave him a grin but then it disappeared abruptly when she saw Zane starting to walk up the three steps to the stage at the front of the room where there was a single long table with a lectern in the middle. The table looked out over the room full of round tables where everyone else was eating. She froze. “Uh, Zane, where are you going?”
Zane looked back at her over his shoulder. “We’re up here. I’m the keynote speaker this year. Remember that speech I’ve been fighting with for the last few weeks?”
Maggie tried to get her legs to move again. They suddenly felt like water. “Yes, of course, but I didn’t realize we’d be in front of everyone.”
He saw the panic building in her eyes and stepped back down to her side. “It’s ok, baby,” he said softly. “I’ll be right next to you the whole time. Just look at me.” He put a hand under her elbow and guided her up the steps. Putting his plate down, he smiled at her and pulled out her chair. “Eyes on me.”
Maggie followed his direction, sitting and taking a deep breath. I can do this. Don’t embarrass him! “I’m ok. I was just surprised. I hadn’t even thought...”