Page 27 of Unbroken
Winning the War
Despitetheeroticassault Zane was committingon her body, a small, niggling, negative voice tried to worm its way out of the corner of her mind she had shoved it into. What are you doing? You let him bare you in your office? Under fluorescent lights? Are you insane? He’ll see all your flaws. But then she felt a finger crook deep inside her at the perfect spot. The voice vanished in a puff of sensual smoke. Words completely failed her and all she could do was groan.
She felt him smile against her neck where his lips had been traveling back up to her mouth. “Another thing you like,” he whispered gruffly in her ear, before he nipped the lobe. “I love hearing you moan for me. I want to feel that tight pussy come on my fingers.”
Before she could register any shock at his dirty words, she found his lips back on hers, his tongue mimicking the thrusts of his fingers in her body. She rocked desperately against his hand, pursuing her release. She fisted the soft material of his T-shirt in her hands. Why is he still dressed? In the next second, she lost the ability to care. His two fingers stroked in and out of her faster and faster, his thumb circling the tiny bundle of nerves that made her dizzy with the need for release.
“Please, Zane,” she panted, breaking their kiss to pull needed air into her lungs. She wasn’t sure what exactly she wanted him to do but they were the only coherent words she could seem to get out of her mouth. She whimpered and threw her head back as Zane leaned her against his strong arm returning his mouth to worship her breasts.
“Almost there,” he said, his voice low and rough. “Come for me, sweetheart. Say my name.”
Her belly clenched and her muscles tightened almost painfully. She didn’t know how much more she could take and then he bit down on one swollen nipple, and she careened over the edge, his name on her lips. She collapsed onto his chest as Zane continued stroking her body, slowing his ministrations as she floated back to herself. When she finally raised her head to look at him, he had a wicked smile on his face. She started to turn away embarrassed at her wantonness, but he gripped her chin and pulled her eyes back to his.
“Un, uh. Don’t look away. That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He traced a finger down her cheek and tucked a stray strand of hair behind one ear. His thumb caressed her lips, swollen from his kisses. “You’re fucking amazing, Maggie.”
She could feel her entire body flush with his words, but she didn’t look away. She looked in those whisky eyes and believed him. She grinned and burrowed her head in the crook of his neck waiting for her blush to subside. Zane cradled her against his chest and ran a lazy hand up and down the small bones of her spine, warming her and making her shiver at the same time.
He kissed the top of her head. “Are you cold?”
She shook her head. “No, you just make me tingle all over.”
She felt a rumble of laughter in his chest as he continued to caress her. “Good. That makes me happy.”
Maggie slipped a hand between them and palmed the hard length of him under the worn jeans. He gave a low moan but stayed her hand. “But, uh, what about...” Maggie started to ask hesitantly.
“We’ll take care of that, but not here.” She sat up and looked at him questioningly. “I want space to do things right. Let’s go to your place.”
She bit her lip. If JT was home, Zane was going to be disappointed. “Let me check something.” She pushed herself reluctantly off of Zane’s lap and went to find her phone on her desk, grabbing her dress on the way. When she stepped into the pink cotton, she found Zane pressed against her back as she stood up. His hands found the halter and tied it behind her neck as she held up her hair. He wrapped one arm around her, pulling her tight against him and traced his lips against her shoulder. She melted into him and let her lids fall shut, completely forgetting what she was supposed to be doing.
“What were you checking?” he murmured a few moments later as he pulled her hair to one side and kissed and nipped at the spot right below her ear that made her lose all reason.
“Hmmmm? Oh!” She managed to reach her phone and check her texts. She smiled in relief at the one from her brother.
JT: Mags, going out with Luke and Ryan. Be back late. Don’t work too hard.
“Looks like my brother is out with his friends, and if I know him, they will be very late getting back.” She turned in his arms and kissed him. “We’ll have the whole house to ourselves.”
Zane’s eyes went dark with need and one side of his mouth curved up. “So, what are we doing still standing here? Let’s get going, woman!”
Maggie walked out of his embrace and rounded her desk to grab her pink handbag. She reached in a grabbed her car keys, jingling them in front of him. “My car or yours?”
“Mine. Don’t want you driving distracted.” He grinned at her as she dropped the keys back into her purse. “And I plan to keep you that way.”
Maggie laughed. “It’s only a couple of minutes away. I think I could handle it.”
“Not if I do it right,” he said, grabbing her hand and tugging her down the hall to the back door.
Zane was true to his word and by the time the garage door shut behind them, Maggie was breathless. Once he’d helped her out of the Audi, Zane leaned in and grabbed some condoms from the console, shoving them in his back pocket. My past is good for something at least. Maggie was trying to fit the key in the back door lock but her hand was trembling. He took the key from her hand and opened the lock.
“See, it was a good thing I drove,” he whispered in her ear. Her tinkling laugh gave him shivers down his spine. He pushed the door open and threw her over his shoulder, giving her butt a good smack.
“Zane! Put me down!” she cried out but then laughed and tried to push herself up on his shoulder.
“Nope. Not happening,” he answered. “Point me to the bedroom.”
“How?” she giggled. “I’m facing the wrong direction.”
Zane put her back on her feet but then immediately grabbed her up again like a groom carrying a bride over the threshold so she could direct him through the house. On the way through the kitchen, she grabbed the handle of the fridge on the way by. “Wait, let me grab something.” From his arms, she leaned over and grabbed two bottles of water. “I think we may need these later.”