Page 31 of Unbroken
Dani thought her eyes might actually get stuck in the back of her head before this conversation was over. “It is not and you damn well know it. Quit being an ass.”
She reached out and slipped her arm through his tugging him closer to her. “Be happy for her, JT. Zane is a great guy. I wish you could see that.”
“That pisses me off even more! Ahhrrrggghhh!”
“What? His being a good guy makes you more grumpy?” Literally going to have to go to the hospital and have my eyes surgically put back in place.
“Yes, because I so wanted to punch him in that damn smartass grin he threw at me, but then he picked her up and she giggled.” He looked pained. “Do you know how long it’s been since I heard my sister giggle?”
Dani squeezed his arm again. “That’s a good thing, right? I’m sorry you didn’t get to punch him, but he makes her happy. Isn’t that more important?”
JT blew out a long breath. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Yay! I knew you’d join us on Team Zane eventually,” Dani said enthusiastically.
”Us? I thought Levi hated the guy?”
Dani gazed lovingly at Levi as he rejoined them and handed them their drinks from a paper carry tray. “He doesn’t like to admit it, of course, but he’s decided he likes him after all.”
“You too, Levi?” JT asked his friend. “I thought I’d at least be able to count on you to back me up here.”
“Sorry, man,” Levi said, sipping at his coffee and giving JT a sorrowful look. “The guy grows on you.”
“Like a fungus,” JT muttered. Dani just smiled at him and patted his knee like he was a slow child. Won over by a giggle.