Page 40 of Unbroken
Charmed X Two
JTwasjustfinishing up cleaning up after his prep work in the Common Grounds' kitchen when Sofia popped her head in.
“Hey, boss. I finally got the final numbers from Jim at the bank if you have a few minutes to go over the menu with me,” she said brightly.
“Sure, give me five minutes,” JT said. Sofia shot him a grin and nodded. With a flip of her dark, shiny ponytail, she was gone.
JT smiled and shook his head as he wiped down his workstation. He’d never seen Sofia in a bad mood. No matter how onery the customer or how crazy the day got, she always had a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. And she was good at everything she did. He’d never tell Maggie, but he thought Sofia could give her a run for her money in the organization and customer service departments. The best decision they’d ever made was recently promoting her to manager of the cafe and assistant event coordinator for Common Grounds Catering.
When he met her at the table a few minutes later, he moved over some papers to set down a plate of meats and cheeses. He knew he was starving and was pretty sure Sofia wouldn’t have taken the time to eat yet either. He saw she already had two glasses of sweet tea out for them. Great minds.
“So, what did Jim finally decide on,” JT asked, popping a piece of salami and Gruyere in his mouth.
They spent the next hour going through the menu options for the cocktail party and dinner the bank wanted to throw within their budget for Sofia to go over with them. “Just try to have their final choices to me a week before so I’ll have time to shop and get what I can prepped beforehand,” JT requested. “I know Jim has a tough time making decisions. Don’t know how he gets anything done at that bank.”
Sofia giggled. “I know. You’d think I was asking him for the secrets of the universe just to get the final number of people attending.” Her nose wrinkled when she rolled her eyes. JT found himself charmed at the gesture. He grinned before he caught himself. Nope, don’t go there. She’s an employee. It’s Sofia. It’s just all the pheromones floating around in the air with Maggie and Zane at the house.
He took a long swallow of his tea. “So how did Jenny do today?” Jenny was the new waitress they had hired when they had moved Sofia up to management. Sofia had been training her for about a week.
“She’s never waitressed before but she’s getting the hang of it,” Sofia answered. “She’s friendly and quick and wants to learn. I think she’s going to be really good.”
“That’s good. I was a little worried when I heard she didn’t have any experience but if you and Maggie see something in her, well, I guess that’s good enough for me,” JT admitted.
“How is Maggie? I was surprised not to see her this morning. I hope she’s not sick,” she asked concerned. “Between Mr. Billings and his crew showing up early and training Jenny, I didn’t even get a chance to ask you.”
“Oh, she’s fine and dandy,” JT admitted grudgingly. “Zane showed up unexpectedly last night and is staying the weekend.”
Sofia shot him a smile that could light up all of Texas. “Oh, that’s great! They don’t get to see each other nearly enough. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have another wedding to plan for in the not-so-distant future,” she said dreamily.
“Let’s not get the cart before the horse,” JT said, frowning. Thoughts of his sister and her doctor getting married and what that might mean for their business and his life couldn't help but have run through his thoughts before, but he had been working diligently to push them to the back of his mind.
“Oh, JT, stop,” Sofia admonished. “Just admit you kinda like him. Everybody likes him. And he’s so good to Maggie. What more could you want?”
“I know, I know. He’s perfect,” JT grumbled. “I’m completely outnumbered. I get it, but she’s still my baby sister. I’m allowed to worry.”
“You’re allowed, but I don’t think it’s necessary,” Sofia said laughing. “Like Dani says, ‘Go Team Zane!’
JT groaned. “I can’t take it!” Sofia just laughed at him.
He took another long swallow of his tea trying his best to ignore the little bubbles of happiness her laugh suddenly brought to his chest. Where the hell had that come from? He forced his gaze away from Sofia's smiling face to the clock on the wall. “Well, better get on with it. I’ve got to go get changed and get to Rick and Cece’s wedding shower,” he said putting air quotes around ‘wedding shower’.
Sofia rolled her eyes. "I think it's sweet. Why should the bride be the only one to get all the attention and presents?"
"The man is supposed to be able to escape the shower," he explained with a serious look. "That's what the bachelor party is for. Never thought I’d see the day Rick was so whipped he'd give in to Cece's decree of no bachelor party. Can you believe it?” he asked Sofia. Sofia had been a couple of grades behind them, but her sister was their age so knew his friends as well.
Sofia nodded and grinned. “Cece's a high maintenance girl, that’s for sure. Always has been according to Selena. They were on the cheer squad together during Selena’s senior year.”
“Between you and me,” JT said, his voice lowered conspiratorially, “I give it less than a year.”
“Wanna bet on it?” Sofia grinned. “I give it two just because Rick is a sweet guy.”
“You’re on,” JT agreed and stuck out his hand to shake on it. Her palm was small and warm in his and he held on a little longer than he needed to. Cut it out, dude!
He let her go reluctantly. “Thanks for all this, Sofia,” he said, motioning to their work on the table. “You’ve been doing a really great job. I know Maggie appreciates all your help.”
“No worries, boss,” she said, gathering up the papers and grinning. “Have fun!”
JT watched her go, ponytail swinging, bounce in her step. He shook himself. Time to go watch the carnage.