Page 54 of Unbroken
Zane gave her a side eye and raised his glass in a toast before taking a big sip. He didn’t even feel the burn anymore. He’d spent the last few hours chasing whatever hours of oblivion the drink would give him.
Dani crossed the room and plucked the glass from his fingers. “You’re done now,” she announced. “You are going to sleep and get up tomorrow in the sober light of day, get your sorry ass in your car, and come tell Maggie you’ve been a complete fucking asshole and beg her forgiveness. Then,” she continued, “you are going to come meet with me and Beau at the building we are wanting to buy and give us your input as our doctor in residence.”
Zane rested his elbows on his knees and looked up at her with a glazed expression. A low moan escaped his throat before he answered her. “We’ve been through this. I can’t be with her! It’s too dangerous. Don’t you think it’s ripping my guts out as well? I would give anything just to hear her voice one more time. I pick up this goddamn phone every night wanting to call her but it’s a luxury I can’t afford. As long as Shawna is out there, I have to steer clear of Maggie.”
Dani gave him a look completely devoid of sympathy and started a slow golf clap. “Boy, that was a fucking impressive show of nobility right there. If you were Catholic, they’d for sure make you a saint for that level of martyrdom. Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re letting that crazy bitch win! You’re giving her all the fucking power. Is that really what you want? I thought you had more balls than that Zane Savage, I really did.”
Zane’s eyes flared in anger but it was quickly doused by pain. “She’ll get over me and find someone better for her. Someone who isn’t leading crazies to her doorstep and getting her hurt. She’s better off without me.” He closed his eyes and dropped his head. He couldn’t take any more, he really couldn’t.
Dani’s anger waned at seeing the devastation on Zane’s face. She'd hoped if she got him angry, he'd fight back instead of giving in to this crazy idea he had about protecting Maggie by staying away from her. She squatted next to his chair and made him look at her. “That’s the thing you don’t seem to understand,” she told him in a soft voice. “She won’t get over it. You’re it for her. She loves you and she’ll never let herself get close to another man after this. She let you in against everything inside her warning her not to. She’s never thought she’s worth fighting for and you’ve just proven her right.”
Zane sat up at that. “That’s not true. This is how I’m fighting for her, for her life.”
Dani just shook her head. “That’s not how she sees it. I’ve known her practically my whole life. I can guarantee you she’s been at home this week beating herself up for not being good enough for you to want to fight for her. If you don’t get your ass in gear and make her believe otherwise, she’ll shut herself off completely. Oh, she’ll get back to running the business and being a success, but she’ll never let herself love someone again. You’re it for her, Zane. What’s it going to be?”
He collapsed back on the couch, resting his head on the back and closing his eyes. “I just don’t know, Dani. I wanted her...want her more than anything. I wanted to wake up with her every morning, have her face be the last thing I saw at night, make a life with her. It's killing me to think of her unhappy, even a little bit. And to know that I'm a big part of that? It's tearing me up inside but I'd rather she live with a broken heart than not be living at all. I miss her so damn much.” He tried to swallow around the thickness in his throat. “But I can’t get over feeling our being together is too dangerous. I just don’t know what to do at this point. I’m so fucking tired.”
Dani put a hand on his forearm and squeezed. “Don’t let Shawna win, Zane. Don’t let her take your and Maggie’s dreams away. If you do, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. Losing you is worse than anything Shawna could do to her. Come to Gladewater and protect her yourself. Fight for her.”
Zane covered her hand on his arm with hers and squeezed tight. He groaned. “I’m drunk and wrecked and don’t know what to do, Dani. I just don’t know. I’m sure she hates me now. I’m not sure I could fix it if I wanted to.”
“I can help with the first thing.” Dani patted his arm and stood. “I’m going to make you some coffee so you can start sobering up and then we’re going to put a plan together. I’m getting married in two days, Zane Savage, and you are both going to be there come hell or high water, so we have work to do.