Page 67 of Unbroken
JT looked at Zane’s hand on his arm. His grip so tight the knuckles were turning white. “Why? Tell me what’s wrong.”
Zane met JT’s eyes. “Your date, Brittany. That's not her real name. You've described Shawna to a T. My ex. The one that was stalking me and hurt Maggie. She’s crazy, man. Maggie’s in danger.”
Jesus Christ! And I brought her here. “How could it be her?” JT demanded. "How would she even have known who I was?" He didn't understand. "Never mind, where was Maggie supposed to be again?"
“In the kitchens. Your mom had her assigned to babysitting the caterer.”
Both men pushed past party goers and ran to the kitchen. JT saw Margo plating food and directing servers who hummed around her like bees. No Maggie. “Margo, have you seen my sister?” JT asked.
Margo glanced up and swiveled her head around. “She was here a minute ago. Honestly, there was nothing for her to help with. She may have gone to check in with your mom.”
A young woman in a server uniform piped up. “Some lady was asking for her a little while ago. She asked me to have Maggie meet her back at the pantry area.” The girl pointed to the next room which was in shadow.
“What did the lady look like?” Zane asked, his voice verging on hysterical.
The girl’s eyes got wide and she swallowed. She realized something was very wrong. “Um, she was tall, lots of blonde hair and these huge spikey heels. Her dress was really pretty. Lots of sequins, but really short,” she added, trying to be helpful.
The men exchanged a desperate look. “We need you to show us where she told you to send Maggie.”
The girl looked to her boss. Margo nodded having heard the conversation. “You go with them, Katie. I’m going to call Tricia Wade and have her on the lookout as well.”
The girl nodded and started quickly for the next room, JT and Zane close on her heels. Once they arrived at the pantry area, they looked around. Other than a few cans being knocked off a shelf, they didn’t see anything. “Where else could she have gone? There’s no door to the outside from here. She would have had to have gone through the kitchen or through the party.”
“Wait, I see something,” Katie said, getting down on her knees and reaching for something under one of the open metal shelving units. She pulled out a ladies’ small, nude pump.
“Maggie,” Zane gasped and grabbed the shoe from Katie’s hand.