Page 70 of Unbroken
Brothers and Sisters
TheyfoundDaniand his mother in the waiting room when they got to the hospital. Dani confirmed they had admitted Maggie to a room about twenty minutes before for observation. She was bruised and had some difficulty swallowing, but otherwise seemed to be okay. JT breathed a sigh of relief and told them the story of Shawna being taken into custody and giving statements to the police.
Mrs. Wade looked to the heavens as she collapsed into a chair. “Thank you, Jesus!”
Dani grabbed Levi around the waist and buried her head in his chest. He wrapped her tight in his arms. She didn’t say anything, but he could feel the tension leave her body like a wave returning to the sea. They all just stood in their relief for several long beats. Finally, Levi kissed Dani on the top of her head. “Are you good to go home. Big day tomorrow. AT least, I think it's still a big day.”
Dani nodded. "Let's think positively for now."
JT looked perplexed but then gave himself a mental face palm. The wedding! They were getting married tomorrow evening. He ran a hand across his face, rubbing his eyes which were gritty with fatigue and grief. “I can’t tell you how sorry I am for all this,” he said, his voice ragged with emotion. “I still can’t believe she tried...” His voice broke before he could get the words out.
Dani went to him and hugged him tight. “Stop it right now, JT. This was not your fault. Shawna is certifiable. She would have found a way to get to Maggie again even if she’d never met you.” She stepped back and put a hand to his chin, pulling his eyes down to meet hers. “Maggie is going to be fine. Shawna is locked up. Everything is going to be okay. Now go see your sister. We’ll drop you mom back at her car and follow her home.”
JT started to argue but Dani gave him the look that told him she would brook no argument. He swallowed and nodded. He kissed his mother goodbye and shook Levi’s hand. “Thanks, man. For everything.”
“I didn’t really do anything,” Levi said, “but you’re family. Whatever you need. Always. Tell Maggie we’ll be back first thing in the morning.” He gave JT a clap on the shoulder and they were gone.
JT skittered to a stop in front of Maggie’s hospital room door. He raised his hand to push it open but stopped, dread squeezing his heart. He leaned against the creamy white hospital wall and pushed air in and out of his lungs with effort. What could he say? She and Zane would hate him. His sister had nearly died, and he’d brought the tool of her destruction straight to her. After the way he had treated Zane, he didn’t know how the man would ever forgive him for his actions. He closed his eyes and prayed for strength.
A soft voice had his eyes popping open. “Sir, are you alright? Can I help you?”
A nurse in blue scrubs stood in front of him looking at him with concern. He tried to smile at her but failed miserably. “No, I’m fine, really. I just came to see my sister.”
“Miss Wade?” she asked, and JT nodded. She smiled sweetly at him. “She’s had a rough night but she’s doing very well. We aren’t very strict with visiting hours but she does need her rest. You’d better go ahead and get your visit done.”
The woman had no idea exactly how rough the night had actually been, JT was sure. He tried again and this time, his lips managed a better facsimile of a grin. “Thanks. I won’t stay long.”
She smiled and nodded at him, making her way down the hall to the nurse’s station. JT took a fortifying breath and pushed open the door slowly, peeking inside. He didn’t want to wake her if she was sleeping. His lips quirked up involuntarily at the scene. Zane was sitting in the bed with Maggie with his arms around her. She was snuggled into his chest, and they seemed to be talking quietly though he couldn’t hear the words. He cleared his throat.
Zane’s head popped up and his eyes widened in silent question. JT gave a single nod. “They have her in custody,” he said simply.
Both of them visibly slumped in relief. Zane hugged Maggie tighter and kissed the top of her head. “Thank God. It’s all over, baby.”
When JT remained standing by the door, Maggie reached her hand out to him. “Come here, brother mine,” she said in a whispering croak. JT winced at the sound but made his feet move and took the hand she offered. He held it like it was made of glass. He dropped his head, not wanting to see the judgement he knew awaited him in her eyes.
Maggie gripped his hand tightly and stared at him until his eyes met hers. Her deep brown eyes were soft and looked at him lovingly. His were wrecked. She knew her brother and knew exactly what he was thinking. “Stop it right now, Joshua Trent,” she rasped. “This was not your fault. I’m going to be fine. I’ll sound like a frog for a few days but that’s it.”
He saw the bruises on her neck that were now a dark purple and cringed. “Aww, Maggie, when I saw you lying in that freezer...“his voice cracked. “I thought you were dead and that I’d killed you. You were so cold.”
She immediately sat up taller and pulled him down to her in a fierce hug. The warmth of her body warring with his memory of the coldness of her when he carried her form the freezer. “No! Stop that. None of this is because of you! We didn't think I was in any danger since we weren't in Dallas or Gladewater. We had no idea she would find us in Tyler. We didn't take the precautions we should have. After everything she's put us through, we still underestimated her. This is not your fault, it's hers!"
JT just shook his head against her shoulder as she held him to her. "That's just it. I brought her straight to you. She never would have been here if not for me."
She could feel the dampness from his eyes coming through the thin hospital gown. His broad shoulders shook but she held on. She kissed his temple and held on, shushing him like a small child, until he stilled and his breathing slowed. He pulled carefully from her embrace and locked eyes with Zane. The gold in his eyes flashed in an expression JT couldn’t read.
Several long beats passed before his sister’s fiancee finally spoke, his voice gravely with emotion. “I should have brought you into the loop at the beginning. I knew how crazy she was. I should have gone with my gut, but I didn’t want to upset Maggie any more than she was. I could have given you more details, described her to you. That was my mistake, and it was a costly one. You found her and carried her out of that freezer. A couple of more minutes and she wouldn’t be here. You saved her JT.”
He shook his head defiantly, but Maggie grabbed his hand again. “We all made mistakes. Mistakes that were dangerous but made out of love. I’m going to be fine, so we all need to forgive ourselves. Nobody blames you, JT.”
JT nodded in acquiescence but neither his head nor his heart was able to hear the truth in her words. “Good,” she said. He could tell the effort of talking with her damaged throat was starting to cause her pain. “I’ll get out of your hair and let you rest,” he said, ducking down to kiss her on the cheek. He had to escape and find somewhere to process all these feelings. “I met Levi, Dani, and Mama in the lobby. They're making sure Mama gets home safe and they said they’ll be here first thing in the morning.”
Maggie’s eyes widened in recognition. “The wedding!” she cried out, her voice cracking with her increased volume. She grabbed at her throat and swallowed painfully. She started again in a whisper. “I’m going to miss the wedding. I’m the maid of honor and I’ve got a million things to coordinate.” She looked panicked.
“Now, baby, I’m sure your mother can pitch hit coordinator duties. You have the whole thing planned and diagramed down to the last napkin and program.” Zane said drawing her closer to him and kissing her temple. “Hopefully, we can have you out of here before the ceremony. Now quit talking, your throat needs to rest.”
She closed her mouth, but her eyes spoke volumes. She looked stricken. She would never get over it if she missed her best friend’s wedding. JT gave her hand a squeeze. “Just do what they tell you, sister mine. Get better. The rest of it will work out.”
Maggie nodded but her eyes became shiny with unshed tears. JT couldn’t stand her crying. He had to figure out something to make this right. Zane murmured in her ear and hugged her to him as JT left the room.