Page 107 of Cruel Summer
HugsfromCostasare dangerous, I decide.
Because the tight hug from Maximo after I’d been kidnapped had been the reason my emotions had originally started to get so fuzzy and mixed up.
And the way Enzo had squeezed me to his body after cleaning the cut on my face… somehow it’d rendered me stupid.
That’s why I fucked him, right?
I swallow, looking up at Maximo standing in the doorway and realize fucking Enzo should be the least of my worries right now, because Maximo looks beyond pissed.
I scoop up my dress, tugging it over my head. Maximo’s hot gaze snaps to me and my eyes widen. I shift uneasily, aware of the fact that Enzo’s cum is drying on my inner thighs.
“I can’t fucking believe this.” Maximo’s gaze ping pongs between me and Enzo, as if he can’t settle on who to be more pissed at.
And I don’t know why, but I shrink a little closer to Enzo.
Maximo’s gaze stops on me and he points a finger. “Don’t you take another fucking step.”
I freeze.
My face is hot and whatever panic attack Enzo had managed to stave off earlier, it’s returning.
A line has been crossed.
I’ve never fucked Enzo without Maximo being around, giving better directions than a choir director. And all those times had been born out of pure lust. Lust played a part today, but there was also something else, some underlying emotion that had managed to capture both of us.
And that makes the situation even worse.
I don’t know how long Maximo has been in the room. I hadn’t heard the door and evidently, neither had Enzo. And my eyes had been closed when my orgasm hit me.
Had Maximo seen it?
“I rush over here after finding out that there was a shooting and this is what I find?” he asks in disgust and I can’t determine who he’s more pissed with, me or Enzo. While I know he doesn’t have the right to be pissed, it sort of feels like he does.
Enzo is his. He’s made that abundantly clear multiple times. And I’m his second favorite toy, the one that he’s brought in to temporarily play with his favorite toy before he tosses me in the trash for something new.
It’s not right, but he owns both of us.
And we fucked up.
I rub my throat.
Maximo has never been angry when I’ve fucked Vito or Giovanni and I know that he knows about those occasions. Everyone in this house seems to know everything when it concerns my body and who I sleep with.
But it never needed to be said that I was to keep my hands off of Enzo if he wasn’t around.
“It’s not like that,” Enzo says slowly and a pang moves through my chest. Those words kind of hurt. He holds his hands out as if trying to calm Maximo down via telekinesis.
“Then what in the fuck is it like, Enzo? Because before I left this house last night I could have sworn you told me you weren’t trying to replace me, yet here we are.” He points at me again, even more aggressively this time. “With your cum running down her leg, while I worry that something has happened to you.”
Enzo goes completely still and I can’t see his face, but Maximo can. Whatever he sees, makes him narrow his eyes.
And then Enzo’s exploding.
“You can’t come in here getting pissed at me and trying to manipulate me with words that you know I want to hear!” He yells, his booming voice having me back away from him this time, even though his anger isn’t being directed at me. “You were the one who came in my room and threw a fucking tantrum over I don’t know what last night and wouldn’t stay to try to resolve it. You ran off and what?” he asks, taking a step in Maximos’ direction. “What did you do? Who did you fuck?”
Maximo doesn’t move, doesn’t blink, or even fucking breathe.