Page 21 of Teacher's Pet
I enjoyed playing with him, and now that we’d fucked, I knew that’s all I wanted. But I wasn’t going to give him the benefit of knowing that. If he wanted more of me, he’d have to start with showing me some grace with that test.
None of the brothers at the fraternity had even noticed I was gone, except for Spencer. Using the excuse that I was going to the pool to get in some laps before tonight would usually work, except Spencer couldn’t leave me alone.
“Where were you?” he asked, almost backing me into a corner as I walked up the stairs. “I went to the pool.”
“Good for you,” I shrugged my backpack closer to my chest. “You probably should get more laps in if I’m being honest.”
“Why did the guys say you were training then?”
“Why are you bothered?”
I had a couple of choice answers for why he was so bothered about where I’d been and why he was so obsessed with knowing it. But I didn’t want to get ahead of myself, maybe he really was looking for me to tell me something important.
“For starters, I’m pissed that you put pop rocks in my underwear,” he said.
Recalling it gave me a good chuckle. “I thought that was the action you were looking for,” I told him. “And you’re not exactly lucky, I did it to as many pairs of underwear I could see in the locker room.”
“I want an apology,” he grumbled.
“You want my attention,” I said, pausing in the hallway. It was empty. I turned to him. He placed his hand on my chest. “You’ve got it. What’s so important?”
His lips trembled over words like he was mumbling them under his breath. “I thought we had something fun. I want to have that fun again.”
“No,” I said, looking around to double check the hallway was clear. “You want someone who will just fuck you when you call. It was fun. But I’m not interested anymore.” I’d also bottomed for the first time. I was exploring that for myself. It was a thrill, I would have bottomed for me too if I could. I had a nice dick, and a nice hole. There wasn’t a single thing about me at fault, and I wasn’t taking criticism at this time. “You have a campus full of people, go cheat on your girlfriend somewhere else.”
Spencer walked away.
I returned to my room, kicking the wood doorstop under the door. I threw myself on my bed and staired at the ceiling. I wasn’t the bad guy. I’d told Spencer I wouldn’t do anything with him if he got a girlfriend. I might’ve been a jokester and I might’ve loved to pull pranks, but I drew the line at cheating. But just below that line was sleeping with my teacher.
Catching myself almost calling him Master in my mind rather than Professor Stirling, or even Taylor. He didn’t suit either of those names now. He was Master, and I enjoyed surrendering to him. It wasn’t so much I was completely submissive, not like some of the other boys at the Manor did. They would become limp toys and playthings. They were the expensive kittens you bought because they came from a good family. I was a street kitten, I had a little bit of sass and I was bratty.
But there was part of me that wanted to be good and it wanted me to do well. It was a part of me that felt guilted into doing those things, like study, and get good grades. I couldn’t keep relying on my body forever, unless I actually made a business out of my body, but I didn’t want to. That could’ve gone two ways, either going into sports and selling my body, or going online and selling a subscription to it.
I headed downstairs to grab a protein shake and some electrolyte water. After the work out I’d had over at Master’s apartment, I definitely needed something to put the energy back into me.
The chef had left for the evening, but the fridge and pantry were both stocked.
Emmett was in there talking with Jake. Emmett was the one who’d sparked the entire frat house alive with coming out. It wasn’t such a huge ordeal, people were mostly shocked about his relationship with Beth. Which turned out, she’d been a lesbian the entire time. It was a strange coincidence, but I never asked them about it. I might’ve been a dick sometimes, but I was at least respectful.
“Ash,” Jake said, patting a hand on my back. “Where have you been my man?”
“You know I have exams coming up,” I said.
“I’ve been looking for you, and every time I see you, you’re gone, like what’s up with that?” he said. “So, anyway, we’re having this huge party in a few weeks to celebrate the end of the college year, and we need to pull off a huge prank.”
“We?” I asked, grabbing a pre-made shake from the fridge. I looked at Emmett. “It’s tough being the prank master. It’s almost a full-time job.”
Jake sighed. “C’mon bro, you’re gonna be leaving soon and I want to take over the title.”
“Let me tell you, it’s not worth it.”
“Let me tell you, I don’t care.”
Jake had pulled a couple of small pranks. He was minor league. He cared too much about the aftermath. A good prank happened in the moment, and as long as it wasn’t dangerous, then you didn’t need to care about the aftermath. Example being the sprinkler.
Emmett chuckled. “Serious,” he said. “Jake wants to do what you do.”
“Nobody can do what I do,” I said, opening the bottle of water and drinking it all without pausing to take a breath. “See.”
“I heard you’re part fish,” Jake replied.
“I do have strong swimmers,” I snickered back. “Fine, if you want me to anoint you as some sort of next me, pull a prank, but if you get kicked out of college, then you’re the only one to blame.”
He slapped his hands together. “Deal.”
I wasn’t even too interested in continuing to prank people anymore. I was growing up. I’d had my fun, I was the first of my kind, nobody else was as great at doing what I could do, and that wasn’t their fault. I was just naturally gifted at pranking people.