Page 26 of Teacher's Pet
“Sorry,” he said. “I should’ve asked.”
“No, I love it,” I said, throwing myself at the bed and immersing myself in all the toys and clothes. It spoke to me on a level that tickled my bones. I enjoyed everything about what I was seeing. Running my fingers along the pink and white lace stockings, the fluffy ears, fresh with tags still on. “Is it all for me?”
“It’s a reward.”
I wondered if I’d really done a good job in class, or perhaps I’d actually done well and he was so surprised that the only way he knew to show me I’d done well was though these gifts. I knew I couldn’t take them with me, even after he’d said these would stay here, I couldn’t take them to the frat house. It was risky enough having the stuff in my bag.
“You want to get dressed up for me?” he asked. “I’ll prepare some milk for you in the kitchen. I’ll treat you like a good kitten now I know how.”
I liked that. I nodded, giving him a long meow.
I’d brought the little liquid liner and the pink blush I usually used for my kitten look at the Manor. It went really well with the outfit he’d bought for me. And on closer look, it was similar to the maid’s outfit, except just shades of pink. And in the mix, a pink collar with silver studs and a two small jingling bells.
Once I was fully dressed, I crawled out of the bedroom with the bells jingling around my neck.
Master was in the kitchen, waiting for me. Gasping, he snapped his fingers. “Perfect,” he said. “A perfect kitten.”
I crawled over and licked at the milk from the small bowl. He dipped to my side and stroked a hand through my hair. “Thank you,” I said, nuzzling my head closer to him.
It was sweet. He revealed more toys. Several large balls of pastel colored wool and twine. He pulled out a small string of it and threw it across the other side of the room. I skittered across the slippery tile floor, chasing after it. Batting it around with my hands , pressed to make tiny paw shapes.
“And look at this!” he said, grabbing my attention.
Overwhelmed by what was happening. I watched as he teased me with a laser pointer, it started on the floor by my hand. I chased it, all the way to him, where he’d shone the light on his robe. I yanked at it, pulling it open to reveal his cock bouncing and his balls hanging low. They looked like my next toy, and I fought the urge to whack at them like I had been doing with the balls of wool.
“Go on,” he said, shining the laser up and down on his cock.
I hadn’t been waiting for his permission, but it seemed that way. I’d more so been waiting for my brain to catch up with the rest of my body to make a decision. I pawed at his erect cock. It went up and down, then side to side. I gave it another tap, watching it move around.
His dick had been on my mind all day, and now it was staring right at me. I opened my mouth and latched onto it, taking it as far deep into my mouth as it could go. I wasn’t going to let it go. Now that I had it, this was mine. I sucked the end, working down with my tongue and back up again, each time, collecting the sweet precum from the tip like a small reward inside of the game called sucking dick.
It didn’t last long, he picked me up and carried me over his shoulder. I was surprised by the sheer ability he had to lift me and then throw me over his arm while he carried me through to the bedroom.
“You’re staying here tonight,” he said.
This time it wasn’t a question. And I didn’t mind that instruction. I would’ve stayed here last time, but he asked me if I wanted to, and in my mind I knew I should’ve said no to be a brat, but it turned out, I’d said no because I was scared. I’d never stayed over at anyone’s before. Even Spencer was out of my bed after we’d had sex, skittering off down the hallway to his room.
“Ok,” I said as he laid me down on the bed amongst all the bits and pieces I hadn’t yet touched.
He ran his hand down the bed, throwing everything off it without a care. He was different, but the exact same person, just more explored. “I’ll clean it later,” he offered in a whisper as I stared in disbelief at the action.
“You haven’t even looked,” I said, slowly lifting the skirt.
“What haven’t I seen?” he asked, his hand guiding itself up my inner thigh.
“I put it in.” I flashed him, revealing the plug and tail sticking out from my hole. “Getting it all prepared for you.”
“You’re such a tease.” His fingers wrapped around the end of the tail and gently pulled at it. My hole clenched like it had earlier, trying not to let my grasp on it go.
“What are you gonna do?”
Dropping the robe from around his arms, he stood naked. “I’m gonna fuck you.” He pulled the butt plug once more, this time removing it from my hole.
In a way, it felt like he’d pulled out an organ through my ass.
“Look at you,” he whispered, toying a finger around my hole. “You’re all lubed up and ready for me.”
“I’m always ready for Master.”