Page 13 of The Prodigal Twin
“Hi. I wanted to tell you this privately since Everie is staying with you…” he pauses and says something to one of his men just before I hear the door close. “She has trouble sleeping even more since the attack, so she has a special way of putting herself to sleep. I’m not going to go into detail, but you’ll know what it is when she does it.”
I’m nodding like he can see me. “Okay. Am I to pretend whatever that is, is normal?”
Tucker chuckles. “How you react is up to you.”
I laugh because I’m confused. “Thanks for the heads up?” I say it as a question since I still don’t know what’s going on.
“Yeah,” he says distractedly. “I have to take care of something. I’ll check on you two later.”
He’s gone, once again leaving me with the cupcake.
I toss and turn, unable to sleep. It’s not the change in scenery, it’s the change in pace. I went from taking years to getting to this point to finding people who can tell me everything. The problem is getting too much information too fast is overwhelming. I must have overdone it today and will take the next day slower.
Whit had food sent up for us, so I haven’t been downstairs since. I don’t know if Everest is just being really quiet or if she’s wandered out of her room at some point. Would she go somewhere alone? Her situation has been on my mind as much as my own. It’s not fun fearing your own shadow. Giving up on sleeping just now, I climb out of bed and head to the shower.
I let the warm water flow over my body as I close my eyes. The water pelt my hair, weighing it down. I lean forward and place my palm flat on the wall. That one action triggers a flash of a memory of a woman moaning my name. My eyes pop open and I look around like the scene is still playing. It wasn’t this shower. That’s the problem with these memories. Some come in fragments and I don’t understand their significance and how they fit with the other fragments. Holding on to the memory, I finish my shower and pull out my journal. I keep one to put the fragments just in case they lead to a bigger picture.
I open it to a new page and start jotting the notes.
Shorter woman.
White wall.
Green nails.
Black ringlets down her back.
Correction, light green nails.
I stare at the list, wondering if there is any significance to her of the memory of if I hooked up with random women. Coco barks in the other room and I put my journal up and pull on some clothes. I’m taking the towel off my hair when I hear Everest’s voice.
“Okay, girl. Let’s go while it’s quiet. Maybe they won’t hear us leave.”
Where in the hell does she think she’s going?