Page 23 of The Prodigal Twin
Lars“Mayhem”Sørensenis alright with me. He gives just as well as he takes in a fight and I’m okay with him having my back. I feel a little lighter. I still have to figure out what to do with the Cupcake because not talking all day just to fool around at night isn’t working for me. I know I’m breaking her down because each time I see the request in her eyes but she has to voice it. If she wants me in her bed, she’s going to have to make the first move.
Every night is the variation of the same thing. I get her off with my fingers, tongue, or both, then we part ways. She’s offered to return the favor, but if my cock comes out, it’ll find its way into her pussy. I go into the kitchen and request some oatmeal. I try not to overstep with the staff and remember they all have roles. I can cook if I want since I used to spend time in the kitchen with Tucker, but that’d interfere with the in-house chef doing her job. Tucker and I figured out that cooking is one of the things I liked to do before my injury, although it was obvious that I’m not a trained chef.
After I eat, I return to my room to shower, taking my time since the people in the house are just now getting up. Once I’m out, I check my phone on the nightstand and find that I have a missed call from Whit.
He answers on the second ring when I call him back. “Good morning, Walt.”
“Good morning, bro. What’s up?”
“Are you hungry?”
I sit on the side of my bed and dry my hair as I talk on the phone. “No, I just ate about thirty minutes ago.”
“Are you still having trouble sleeping?”
The concern in his voice is touching. The good thing about having most of my childhood memories back is knowing how much I love my brother for his character. I always told him he had a big heart. I know he’d drop everything just to see if I’m okay.
“Yeah, but it’s expected. My brain is working overtime trying to put everything together.”
“Do you want me to come up?”
I smile because I could have bet and won. “No, bro. Eat breakfast and enjoy your woman. We’ll catch up later. Dinner?”
“Sounds like a plan, Walt.”
I’m still smiling when he hangs up. We haven’t discussed Moonlight being my ex yet. I want it to be irrelevant. I don’t care if I woke up tomorrow remembering that I was one day from proposing, no memory can change the fact that I’ve been in the presence of two women for about a month and it’s the jumpy one that is driving me crazy. Moonlight is beautiful, but everything about her screams Whit. In fact, every time I see her, I wonder what in the hell was I thinking to rationalize dating a woman who’s obviously my brother’s type.
Vibrating on my bed catches me off guard because I’m still holding my phone and Everie and I haven’t started playing with toys yet. Feeling around my unmade bed, I find the culprit. Everie’s phone. She has three missed calls from the same guy. Perry. Why would he call her three times in ten minutes? A text pops up to answer my question.
Perry: I was in bed hoping to hear your voice and be properly motivated… to get up.
Perry: Knowing I’ll see you soon is motivation enough.
Perry: l tagged you in my post.
He sends a picture of them. He’s cupping her cheeks and leaning into her face. They’re almost nose to nose while she smiles up at him like his cock is made out of gold. I click on the post and read the caption.
You’ll wish you had a love like ours because only when we’re together, does love fly through the pictures @MiliMilaBaustista. XO Perry.
All the tension that Mayhem just helped me dispel returns full force. I crack my neck and roll my shoulders. And close my eyes to try a breathing exercise. Big mistake. The image I just saw flashes in my mind with clarity.
“Let it go, Walt. He’s an infatuated co-star.”
I repeat it over and over while I get dressed. I step into my boots after donning my Henley and jeans, then walk in a small circle because the red I’m seeing hasn’t disappeared. I don’t want my family to think…
“ bankrupted me, moved me into your closet, made me your personal servant, and gave me a dog collar in retaliation.”
I pause as a realization hits me. Whit is equally fucked up. Some of my urges have nothing to do with memory raging and everything to do with the possessive part of me. Did it travel?
I call Rowe.
“Hey, Zombie Dad.”
I laugh at his greeting. He didn’t want to ‘downgrade’ either of us, but it got weird when we’d both answer when he said ‘Dad’.
“Hey. Quick question. Did I hear Sparrow correctly when she said Moonlight thought Whit kidnapped her?”