Page 31 of The Prodigal Twin
“Morse code.”
“Morse code. Really?”
“Yes. I would draw the signal by drawing out an SOS on the dirtied floor, the windows, the door or tap it when someone would pass by the house, even though sometimes, the neighbors would think I was his child. We found out he told them I was his from his divorce. He cut all my hair off so people were confused about my gender.”
“I’m sorry, Everie.” Walt says, but there’s a tone in his voice that shows he wants to shout or something.
I turn towards the door and do the 3 brief taps, then 3 long taps, and then 3 brief taps.
“That’s the signal.” I offer. “I’m not weak, Walt.” I remind myself. “I know how to defend myself. I’ve gotten here so far and I know that it’s because I’m strong. This is something I can do.
“Why does it sound like you’re saying you’re going to handle this yourself?” He asks.
“Because I can, and that’s the only way. No one else is going to die because of me. It’s not okay. My pain can only be enough for one person, me.” I say.
“Everie… what the fuck?” Walt says. “You can’t do everything by yourself.”
“I have to. No one is going to be left out in the street like an animal or roadkill. I can’t let it happen, Walt. I can’t.”
Before Walt says anything else, I quickly stand and unlock the door. Slowly, I open the door and he’s standing too with Coco in his arms.
“Can I sleep in my bed alone, please?” I say, retreating to the sink when he walks in.
Walt narrows his eyes at me, and I know there’s a storm brewing inside of him.
My mind flashes to a moment, a glimpse of something that I’ve never experienced before… A smiling Walt with his hair blowing in the wind as he walks towards me. His blue-gray eyes hold the same storm, but this one isn’t as intense. There’s a carefree spirit about this Walt.
Not at all like the Walt that’s about to give me his opinion on sleeping alone.