Page 35 of The Prodigal Twin
“Good to know.” I tilt my head towards one of the rooms. “A word?”
Moonlight follows me, and I turn to her once we’re alone. I’m not surprised to find her looking at me the same way Whit did earlier.
“Walt, I cared about you.”
I nod. “I’ve heard.”
Her perfectly arched eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Heard?”
I nod. “Yes, I still don’t remember much about you. I overheard your conversation with Whit.” I see the hurt in her brown eyes, but I can’t do anything about it. “I’m sorry my lack of memories hurt your feelings. I’m sure we got along great, but don’t take my lack of recollection as me not caring. I’m sure I loved you…” I pause because while I don’t have details, I have a feeling deep within. “Just not romantically. There is no way I’d travel the world with someone if I didn’t care.”
She nods, although she looks on the verge of tears. I hate that my lost time has affected so many people.
“I realized after clashing with Whit that I was closer to a best friend than anything.”
I smile because I can see that. “And you know the good thing about that?”
“No one is stopping you from being my friend again. I know you feel the difference between me and Whit, right?”
“Yes,” she confirms with a soft smile.
I squeeze her shoulders. “Love makes all the difference, Rockstar.”
I turn to leave, but she calls my name again. “Walt?”
“You shouldn’t call me Rockstar,” she reddens a little, then whispers. “You’d only say that before or after sex.”
I throw my head back and laugh. “Of course, that’d be the first thing to shake loose. I’d love to know the story about that one day, but noted.
On the way back to the kitchen, I mentally scratch Moonlight off the list as the girl in my memory. I stop for a moment as I get a thought. Who’s in the memory from the night of my attack? Did my guest do it or someone else? My desire to hurry and go see the incubator, and Rowe calls her, increases. Whit and I need to face evil.
Just as I think it, I notice Everie standing near Whit. “No backies,” I call out to Whit.
His eyes grow before his body shakes with laughter. “Inappropriate but hilarious.”
When we were younger, I’d say that after a trade. I shrug as we laugh. “Just messing with you. Everie, you’ve had quite the attachment to Whit this morning,” I tease her.
She jumps away from him while her cheeks flush. Her eyes are enhanced by her glasses and it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. “Shut up, Walt. It’s not funny.”
I grab her and kiss her. “That’s better, your memory has been restored.” I smile and she frowns like she wants to talk shit. “Come with me, please.”