Page 29 of Hale on Earth
She looks down at her body like she’s just now noticing her state of undress.
“I’m fine.”
“Karessa, I know you’re drunk but I need you to pay attention.” I pause until she stares at me. “I know it sucks, but you got a few things wrong. You’re right, you were too young for me to notice you when I was a teen, but we’ve been adults for a long time. You’re right, being forced into an arranged marriage pissed me off.” I hold up my hand showing her the ring I haven’t removed since she placed it on my finger. “But it’s done. I’ve never hated you and I’ve wanted you from the moment you came to my office.”
Karessa scoops another spoonful into her mouth and watches me like I’m prime time. I take her silence as an encouragement to continue.
“If we would have met as adults under different circumstances, I would’ve fucked you by now.” My eyes flicker to her small yet full and perky breasts. They make my mouth water. I palm one, then pull at the nipple until she whimpers. “Dirty.” I add, licking my lips and watching her slowly swallow. “You’re not fine. Going to bed like this puts you in danger of me fucking you sober. Then you can’t process because I’ll legally own your body.”
I grab her chin and pull her closer to suck her bottom lip into my mouth. My tongue teases her and collects some cheddar. Letting go, I stand and look at her.
“Take off your shirt and give it to me. At least some part of you can be all over me, you fucking tease.” Her response amuses me.
“Nice try. I’ll meet you in the middle,” I tell her while I retrieve one of my shirts from my dresser. “Put it on before I ruin your life with my dick.”
We trade the shirt and the empty bowl. I leave her to get dressed while I take more time than necessary to wash the bowl. If we’re heading for annulment, it’s going to be a long six months.
Chapter 18
I pry open my eyes and immediately wish I was still asleep so the memories can stay in the past. I’m not one of the fortunate people who have the balls to drink until they blackout. I only get far enough to lose my inhibitions and remember every fucking thing.
I groan, more for embarrassment than pain since Oran gave me water and painkillers before he cuddled me until he fell asleep. I’m so damn confused. He raised hell when we found out we were engaged. Called me a trophy, stuck me in a hotel until he moved me to the air mattress I’d slept on until we were married. Now, he’s giving me jewelry inspired by my favorite flower, cuddling, and knows my comfort food.
What the hell?
The bed is empty and I don’t hear any signs for life beyond this room. Good. I need to regroup. I stand in the shower, letting the warm water beat down on my body before attempting to wash my hair or body. Something’s not adding up and as much as I want to believe my local celebrity is catching feelings for me, it seems fast and a complete one-hundred and eighty degree turn from who he was not even two weeks prior.
I’m partially finished making breakfast when he returns from God knows where. He’s still wearing the same t-shirt from last night, some jeans, and his tennis shoes. His hair is unkempt like he couldn’t keep his fingers out of it. I don’t know if I should be who-you-fucking suspicious or wonder if something bad happened.
“Early morning?” I ask to keep it neutral.
“Yeah. Feeling better?” He grabs my face and tilts my head back to look me in the eyes. “Question. Do you have any allergies or medical conditions I need to be aware of in advance?”
“None I’m aware of.” His face is a mask of relief when he kisses me on my forehead.
“Good.” His reply is followed by a pat on my ass.
That does it. Who in the hell is this?
I move the plates to the island. Oran accepts his plate with a smile and thanks me. My suspicions multiply.
“Oran, how did they convince you to marry me?”
“Huh?” he asks around a bite of his pancake.
“What did our dads do to get you to marry me?”
Oran takes a bite of his bacon to buy time. “Does it matter?”
“Yes. They put me through the wringer. My life was majorly disrupted, but yours seem to have gone on uninterrupted.”
Oran shakes his head as he takes a sip of orange juice
“Did it? I had a broke and homeless woman show up to my office, claiming to be my fiancee. I had to make arrangements then move someone in my home, although I’ve lived alone my entire adult life. I’m pretty sure my ‘life’ was altered.”