Page 58 of Hale on Earth
“It’s a dress, silly.”
That’s it. I grab her arm and usher her towards the door.
“Let go of me,” she fights and tries to dig her heels into the ground.
Not a problem.
I hoist her ass up like a belligerent toddler. She can’t stand her ground with her feet in the air. I resume walking once she’s thrown over my shoulder with my arm covering my territory. A burly yet metrosexual bouncer - one of those men who spends his time equally between the gym and spa - steps in my way to prevent my exit.
“Put the lady down, now.”
I snort at his so-called authority. “Get the fuck out of my way before I knock you out.”
He squares up like he’s about to challenge me, but his eyes flick right then left. I don’t have to turn around to know I’d find at least one of Ainslee’s men. Johnny Bravo’s cousin backs down, then moves. I guess he knows how to recognize actual killers.
“Really, guys?” Karessa grumbles on our way out.
The driver scrambles to open the door when he sees me charging to the car like a bull that just fucked up the china shop. The tension is thick in the car and we don’t speak on the way to the villa, we’re both mad for different reasons. Once we arrive, I grab her wrist and get out with her in tow. She’s mistaken if she thinks she’s going back without changing.
Karessa rips her arm away when she gains her footing.
“What’s with you trying to control what I wear? I’m an adult! I have a dad!”
“Who gave you to me! You’re mine to protect or whatever the fuck those vows said. They don’t have the right to touch you, but some men don’t understand that if you’re wearing less. Hell, some don’t get it if you’re covered from head to toe, but then I’d have fewer dumbasses to worry about. Change if you want to go back.”
“Oran. I’m thirty-one, I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time…”
“On the island where people know you and your status. Feel free to wear it there,” I challenge her knowing she has worn nothing that revealing at home. I press on when she continues to glare at me. “People know you’re mine on the island, here they don’t know us or care. I really don’t want to have to knock someone out for touching you!”
Karessa’s in my face, staring up at me with her hands planted firmly on her hips.
“Touch me then!”
My laugh holds no humor. “Is this what this is about? Your pussy is starved for attention?”
“No! To… to prove you can’t tell me what to wear.”
I grab her chin, bending a little to get in her face. “How did that work for you?”
I pull her into a harsh kiss to further stake my claim. The sharp bite of her teeth followed by the copper tinged taste of my blood. Amuses me and makes my dick harder. Retreating, I lick my bruised bottom lip and push her to the outside wall by her neck.
Then I’m back in her face. “You want to fight. Kitten. Bare your little claws. Think you can’t beat me?”
“Fuck you!” she seethes.
Damn, she’s sexy when she’s mad.
“That’s what you want? For me to be the bad guy and give you what you want so you can blame me if it goes south?”
The sweet yet clean scent of her perfume mixing with her natural scent is clouding my judgment. Her hair falls in waves, tickling my wrist as the wind blows. Her more sultry than usual makeup that enhances the green of her eyes inspires wet daydreams. I trace her red lips as I admire how they look perfectly drawn. Wrapped up in lust and love, I eliminate part of our argument.
Karessa pushes and claws at me as I rip away her excuse for a dress, leaving her simple black underwear behind.
“Problem solved.”
“You asshole! You’re buying me a new one.”
She smacks my chest but I hardly feel it. I love when she’s flustered and has a wild look in her eyes.