Page 70 of Hale on Earth
Oran grunts his version of being delighted as he locks the door behind his cousin. I’m almost to our room when Oran returns, grabs me from behind, and pushes me against the wall.
“Shit, I thought he’d never leave,” he complains with his lips near my neck.
“He was only here for ten minutes,” I counter while my blood rushes to all my arousal points.
“Too fucking long when I’m trying to fuck,” his excited breathing makes him sound breathless.
Oran tears at my clothes but gives up and goes for my panties instead. I fumble with his belt until he pushes my hands out of the way. His zipper shred echoes in the hallway. Gripping his biceps, my knees dig into his sides as he lifts me with a rough grab of my ass.
“FUCK!” he growls once he slams into me with enough vigor to knock a picture off the wall. “I’ve missed you, my love,” he confesses like we’ve been separated for months.
Oran has always had the power to consume my body, but the love that radiates from within the core of who he is consumes my soul. My speechless. I can only clutch him and let my body do the talking.
“It’s your turn to promise me something,” he says between kisses. He drops his forehead to mine. He stops thrusting and holds me close, my walls still pulsate around him.
“What?” Cupping his face, I trace his lips and beard with my thumb until he kisses my palm. When our eyes meet again, I feel like he’s looking through me to my very essence.
“Don’t leave me.”
His plea breaks my heart, and I give him the truth as I know it.
Oran braces his forearm on the wall, grinding into me without breaking eye contact. He’s branding himself into my being so I’ll never forget where I belong. Our joint release doesn’t end our visual connection. Oran keeps going even after he’s expelled all he had to give.
“Get dressed,” he tells me, although he hasn’t moved or disconnected. “We’re supposed to go on a date.”
“Do you want to go out?”
Oran gives me a few sweet kisses then walks us towards our bedroom.
“All I want is to stay buried in your pussy, but that’s not practical.”
He drops me on the bed to remind me that an asshole also lives in his body.
Chapter 36
I can understand why Oran wanted to go out. While our wedding was less tumultuous than Jagger and Ainslee, the people of the island have never seen the Hales out together. We had yet to make an appearance as a married couple. Like a dumbass, I’d posted a picture of Oran and me dressed up outside the house with #datenight. Paparazzi were everywhere a Founder’s kid would frequent. I planned to avoid it and go somewhere else because I know Oran is not used to being in the center of it all. Instead, he parked his car, got out, opened my door, pulled me out, and kissed me like we were at home. He even smirked/scowled for a few pictures before he told them to get the hell out of his face.
Our island has strict laws that keep the paps in place. Therefore, we have the most considerate set of paparazzi of any country. If we tell them to go away. Especially as one of the Founding families, they have no choice. They work fast if my phone blowing up during dinner is any indication.
I turn it off, Oran doesn’t have social media, and focused on my husband. I’m still amazed at our progress. We’re out, holding hands, and laughing together for the world to see, and Oran never looked more relaxed. I’d bucked my eyes in surprise when he ordered dessert. He’s beyond comfortable and is in no hurry to leave.
I’ve also learned another benefit of sex, Oran didn’t ban my body contouring dress that stops mid thigh and gives me more than moderate cleavage. Instead, he passes me looks that convey all his dirty thoughts.
“I’m surprised you want dessert,” I tease him in a way that lets me know I’m buzzed.
“I don’t,” he begins, then leans in closer. “The kind I like isn’t legal to eat in public.”
My body tingles like we didn’t almost miss our reservation for that very reason.
“Why did you order it?” I whisper, more than ready to leave.
His gray irises darken with desire as he surveys my body. “I need time. If I get up, I’ll give the restaurant a show. Check your phone.”
Oran: You look delicious in that dress.