Page 78 of Hale on Earth
Elmer pushes her away, and she falls back, then I knock his ass out before she tries again. I pick her up. To keep her from attacking.
“Baby, Baby! He’s out. He cannot hurt you right now.”
Karessa grabs me and peppers my face with kisses as she tells me how happy she is that I saved her. Suddenly stopping, she pulls back to study me.
“You married me so he couldn’t.” I nod because it’s obvious my dad told her. I didn’t expect her to throw a right hook that hurt like a bitch. “Your dad being obsessed with me would have been nice to know, Oran!”
“I thought he was just delusional!” I defend myself as I rub my jaw.
“Who knew the LeClaires could throw a punch?”
Karessa and I snap our heads to the side to find Markos relaxing on the wall with his phone in his hand.
“WorldStar,” he jokes before sobering. “Karessa, the boss wants to talk to you.”
Karessa grabs the phone to find Ainslee on video call. “Boss?” she exclaims.
Ainslee ignores the question and starts asking her own. “Are you okay? Why didn’t you tell me you wanted to go to the spa? Asshole jacked up your hair! We’re on the way.”
Karessa shakes her head. “I’m fine now, a little spooked.” She looks at his unconscious form. “It’s easier knowing he can’t watch me anymore. Please, go to the party for me.”
wife looks at me, preparing to tell me to go as well. “Hell, no. I’m staying with you.”
“You two kids go have fun, I can take care of pops from here.” Markos pauses when Ainslee speaks.
“Founders are untouchable unless they revoke their status…”
“It’s revoked.” I supply with unwavering conviction. “He broke the rules before, but attacking my wife is something he cannot come back from. The LeClaries will not take this lightly. I am the man at the table now.”
“Very well. Karessa, we will see you tomorrow,” Ainslee tells her then disconnects, not allowing Karessa any wiggle room.
“Give me the keys. I’ll lock up after we remove him.” Markos orders, all business.
“Thank you,” she tells him.
She wraps her arms around him, and squeezes with her head falling on his chest. He stands there with his arms straight and his eyes bulging, looking every bit of what the fuck. He breathes easier when she lets go. Karessa hands over the keys as instructed, then we leave. Her stalk is mad as the tattered dress flows around her body. She’s just gone through a lot but is holding on to her anger. I have to push her through it. I haven’t purposely pissed her off in a long time, but I haven’t forgotten how.
“What the hell, Trophy? I save you and get punched, then Markos gets all the credit.” She keeps walking towards my SUV so I go for the kill. “Don’t punch me again unless you’re ready to fight.”
She rounds on me with her attitude high. “Bring it, Hell! I have every right to be mad at you. If you want to fight, I’m down.” She gets in my face and pushes me with her chest. I chuckle and unlock my vehicle.
“Get in the car. No one fears you.”
“You started it with your lie.”
“I didn’t lie. I told you it was none of your business.”
“Him trying to marry me IS. MY. BUSINESS!”
I put my hand on my hips and stare at her. She’s glaring at me, her chest rising and falling rapidly like she’s about to Hulk up.
“What you gonna do about it.”
She jumps me like a kitten trying to claw out my eyes. I broke up her one-sided fight with Elmer. She needs someone to fight with. If this means getting my baby back, I’ll weather it for now. Her hands are wild as if she’s unsure to punch, slap, or scratch me. She doesn’t land any of it. Trapping her between me and the car, I pull her into a kiss she fights until I slide my tongue into her mouth. She moans then returns the kiss with just as much heat as she was trying to put into fighting. Now her body is torn between fighting and fucking as shown by her bites and hair pulling.
Opening the passenger door, I push her inside and close the door. It looks like she’s ripping away the rest of the sheer part of her dress to free up her legs. I’ll find out what she’s up to shortly. I climb into the driver’s seat, and she lunges from the other side. I block the butterfly kisses she calls hits, and she growls her frustration from not connecting any of them. I pull her until she’s all the way over into my lap. I fix her so she’s straddling me and can feel my hard dick. Looks like I’ll get that fight/fuck I didn’t get in my office weeks ago.