Page 83 of Hale on Earth
She fidgets with the bracelet he got her one day for no damn reason.
The blush is back and I know at the very least she finds him attractive.
“Caerwyn? Caerwyn Hale? As in, I’m about to have one less cousin, Caerwyn?”
“Yes?” She responds, not sure how to answer Oran.
My “I knew it!” clashed with Oran’s “I’m going to kill him.”
Imala reaches over and pats his hand like she is trying to tame a beast. “Please don’t. It was my decision. I got to go. Here’s Ainslee’s gift. Give her squeezes for me. I have to get back to the bank.”
The little workaholic disappears as Oran stares stunned at her back.
“But, my angel.” I don’t know his deal with nicknames, but we each have one.
“She can still be your angel with a whole husband.”
He scowls at me like I’m the one in line to take her virginity. “What kind of sister are you? Do something!”
“I am,” I tease and wave the list at him. “She was gonna lose it one day, Oran. Would you rather it be to her husband or some random guy?”
Oran frowns like both options suck. “I knew he was up to something. He’s always walking around smiling and shit.”
I keep my laughter soft to not bring attention to us. “He’s a regular, well-adjusted guy. No agenda, Oran. Look on the bright side, she will be a Hale.”
He plucks a grape and chews it with an attitude. “A fucked up Hale. Imma beat his ass.”
“Then your ‘angel’ will be mad at you.”
“Fine,” he concedes.
“She must see something in him; she’s not being forced to marry him. Plus, I bet he isn’t calling her inanimate objects or will put her on an air mattress or his trophy case.”
He shoots me discreet middle fingers then leans in to whisper. “The air mattress was for your safety. I should’ve fucked up your pussy on day one.”
I don’t even snort because Oran and Jagger are desensitizing me to their mouths.
Instead, I plant a kiss on his lips just as Ainslee and Jagger appear.
“I love you,” I whisper when the music starts.
“I love you, too,” he flashes the smile he has just for me. “But we will revisit your complaints when we get home.”
“You look real comfortable,” Oran jokes from his chair next to the examination bed.
I haven’t been feeling well and I’m wondering if my IUD is giving me problems. Also, it’s a convenient time for my husband and I to ask my doctor any child-related questions he may have.
“Shut up.”
“So, you just put your feet in the little metal things, shoot your ass to the end, and bam your pussy is on full display?”