Page 22 of Hale to Pay
I nod then tell him. “He saved my life.”
“What! How? When was it in danger and why in the hell didn’t anyone call me?”
“It all happened so fast, I’m happy he was there.” I squeeze his hands. “I think Caerwyn should tell you the details.”
“Is that why you’re marrying him?”
“There’s other reasons but him saving me did help sway my decision.”
“Okay.” He thinks for a moment and grimaces, then shakes his head like he dismissed it.
“That one. The one you just dismissed, what is it? Hit me with it. I can take it.”
“It’s a tall order, sis.” I shake my head defiantly. “Okay, he doesn’t talk about it much, but he hates that he doesn’t have a better relationship with his brother.”
“Berke? The big British bastard?” Hey! Alliteration. I giggle to myself. “I’ll call him 3B for now. If I get him to the wedding and have him act right, then maybe they can talk it out?”
“More like beat each other’s asses. But yes, if you can facilitate some kind of olive branch between the two, I know he’d love it.”
“Has anyone ever tried this before?” Oran gives me a blank look.
“No. My aunt and uncle think Berke will come around, Wyn thinks Berke hates everyone, Elmer didn’t give a shit, and I would crack his jaw if he says the wrong fucking thing. Honestly, it’d turn into Jagger and I taking turns kicking his ass.”
“Why is he so mean?”
Oran shrugs. “Who knows maybe it’s on his mother’s side. He just started refusing to come to the island, and when he did show up, he was an ass to everyone.”
“More than the usual Hale grump?” Oran grins at me.
“Much more. Just in case, I’ll create a list of other things you can do for him.”
I pat Oran’s shoulder. “Don’t underestimate me, big brother. I’m quite tenacious when I need to be.”
He stands as he chuckles but respect shines in his eyes. “Good luck anyway.”
I sit back in my chair to watch Oran’s hulking figure pass through the doorway of my office. His appearance makes me realize he’s never set foot into my office until now. If he weren’t my cousin, him entering my territory would be overwhelming.
“What brings Zeus from Mount Olympus?” I joke, despite the seriousness etched in his face.
“How did you save my angel's life?” He jumps in without preamble.
I’m not sure why the question is jarring. We’d have to discuss it eventually, Imala texted to warn me she was coming clean to her sisters. And in her usual thoughtfulness, she also told me she will leave the how out of her version since it’s my story to tell. I just didn’t think I’d be telling it now. Since Oran is the only person I’m willing to tell, now is a good time to get it out of the way.
Opening the drawer, I pull out my decanter of the very expensive cognac I love and two crystal glasses. Oran raises an eyebrow at my emergency stash.
“Looks like we’re cancelling the rest of our day.” I don’t miss the trepidation in his voice.
“Maybe.” I close my laptop.
The tension eases a little with my first sip. I love how smooth it is.
“I was considering hiring a hacker to follow the money trail. We were supposed to meet at a diner, but you know hackers, ultra-paranoid. He never showed. From the window, I saw Imala leaving the bookstore.” I take another sip before continuing. “I was walking to meet her when some guy moved in front of her. At first, I thought it was accidental, but I saw the fear on her face. She tried to run when another guy surfaced. They grabbed her and tried to take her.”
Oran sat up, his body tight with rage but I’m already reliving the memory.
“One of those grimy assholes grabbed her by her hair then covered her mouth when she yelled in pain. She fought back. She got out of the guy’s hold but the other one grabbed her and held a knife to her cheek. He told her to cooperate or he'd mess up her pretty face.”