Page 24 of Hale to Pay
It's three weeks before our wedding and that asshat still hasn't responded. I've sent the invitation, but he didn't return the RSVP. I reached out via email but didn't receive an answer or a read receipt. Now, I'm holding my phone to my ear waiting for him to answer. Maybe the third time's a charm.
"What is it!" his rude ass practically yells. It's only a little after eight at night his time.
"Hi, this is Imala—"
"Caerwyn’s fiancée," I continue like he didn't interrupt me. "You haven't responded to my correspondences, and as the brother of the groom—"
I stop talking when the line goes silent. I stare at it for a moment.
I know this jerk didn't just hang up on me!
"Sorry, we were disconnected," I tell him once he answers again.
"No. I hung up on you," he confirms before repeating the action.
Shocked, I stare at my phone for a long time, seething from his disrespect. Unlocking my computer, I log in and confirm a few things. Satisfied, I make arrangements to take our private jet. Then make a phone call.
"Hey, Ainslee. How's the pregnancy going?"
"Good. Struggling to breathe." She laughs.
"I bet. Twins are not a small feat. I know you're busy, so I'll get to the point. I need to take an unexpected trip in a few hours and need a companion. Preferably female; I'm over men I haven't already met prior to right now."
"I understand." Nothing criminal gets past the Bishops. I know Ainslee knows what happened to me without asking. "Sounds like you'll like Luci. How long is the trip?"
"I'm hoping to only be there for a day."
"Okay, I'll have her pack a bag and meet you at the airstrip at…"
"Five o'clock."
“Perfect," she chirps.
"Thank you so much."
"No problem, chica."
I climb off my bed, grab my overnight bag, and begin packing. After calling Wyn, I attach my Bluetooth headphones to keep my hands free.
Hearing his voice always makes me smile but it's a treat after dealing with his brother.
"Hey, sweetheart."
"Sweetheart? Is it my birthday?"
My eyes roll towards my ceiling although I'm smiling.
"I can't call you a term of endearment?"
"Yes, but you haven't. What are you up to?"
"Ah, the suspicious mind of a lawyer."