Page 42 of Hale to Pay
“Yes. You and my Markos. Apparently, you can’t let go because you have a thing for bad boys.”
Esme turns red. “I swear if I ever go to jail, you know why. That lady loves to make me look like the world’s biggest tramp! Markos and I hardly speak to each other. We don’t have any bad blood or anything!” she rubs her temples then takes deep breaths. “Anyway, how did you get to three orgasms?”
“He does his thing with his tongue…” The girls lean in, but my mom opens the door.
“There y’all are. We’re ready to eat.”
“Okay, mom. We’ll be out in a minute,” Karessa assures her. We sit quietly until she closes the door.
“How about we make a lunch date after the honeymoon when I’ll have more details? In summary, had I known oral sex was so much fun, I would’ve tried it a long time ago.”
“Wait,” Ainslee holds out her hand with her eyes bucking. “Before last night you’ve never done anything. Like, AT ALL.”
I shake my head. “No. Nothing past a kiss. Wyn is the first man I’ve seen naked in person.”
Ainslee places
her hand on her chest and says something in Spanish before returning to English. “Then you’ve hit the first-time jackpot. Wyn is such a sweet man.”
“Yes,” Karessa agrees. “And if he’s anything like Oran…” her sentence trails off and she shivers in her seat.
“I’m starting to think he is. I have nothing to compare it to but—"
“Yeah. yeah,” Esme cuts me off. “The Hale’s have big dick energy. Maybe I should go throw myself at Berke or Dallas,” She folds her arms and looks out the window. “Or call Bowie for the night. It’s one thing to be single. I’m fine with that, but now I’m single and not getting any. Y’all can breathe wrong and get jumped right now.”
“I can’t.” Ainslee points out. “Just had twins. Shop is closed until the doctor okays it. I have the most empathy for you right now.”
“Sounds like I’ll be babysitting soon,” Karessa says.
“Yes! Jagger might jump me in the exam room if the doctor clears me. He’s ridiculous. He has it on his calendar.”
Karessa rubs her belly. “Oran will be feeling his pain soon.”
We get up to join the rest once I promise to give them the honeymoon download.
Now that brunch is over, the parents wander off leaving their children behind. Jagger pulls out his phone and leans over to Oran.
“Dude, you’ll never believe what I’ve found!”
“What?” Oran asks, humoring his best friend.
I sip my water while Imala gives me “do me” eyes. Something tells me I want to hear about this discovery first. They’re already so over top sitting next to each other with their wives on the side.
“Apparently there is a fanfiction website dedicated to us.”
“Us as in the founder’s children?” Oran inquires.
“Nope,” Jagger denies with a hard p. “Just you and me in all these fictional gay love stories,” he continues like the rest of the table didn’t just chuckle. “Some of it isn’t bad. In this one I told you to get on your knees like my bitch although they seem to favor you being the Dom in most of the stories.”
Oran chuckles and shakes his head but it’s not enough to hide the blush coloring his face. He doesn’t like fanfare and media attention, but it amuses the hell out of Jagger.
“Oh my. Do I want to know how you found it?” Oran questions as he side-eyes his friend.
Jagger just shrugs. “I was Googling my name and came across one of our pictures then clicked it. Apparently, the picture inspired a hauntingly beautiful drama-fic of us struggling with our love until we finally give into our feelings.” Jagger rubs his chest. “I almost cried.”
“I hate him,” Ainslee mumbles with a laugh.