Page 50 of Hale to Pay
“I’d probably burst into fucking flames.”
Esme picks me up in her red Acura NSX sports car. It’s a rainy day so she’s left her hair in its natural state. She’s still naturally dolled up with makeup, skinny jeans, and a crop top that gives her good cleavage. I decided to go with my usual comfort, glasses, and ponytail. She seems a little preoccupied but still blasts her music like she always does. I stare out the window watching the gray day fly by. Fat drops of rain hit the window and pulls me further into my mood. The closer we get to officially meeting our nephew, the more I dwell on yet another failed attempt. Statistically, a couple should try for a year to have a baby but eight more months of this would be torture.
Oran and Karessa’s beach cottage themed home comes into view and I plaster on a happy face. My issues must take a back seat to meeting the little guy. We make it to the door to find Jagger and Ainslee are already inside. Esme and I roll our eyes at each other because we are not surprised.
“Hey!” Karessa greets us. Her green eyes shine with love and I’m happy she’s so damn happy.
She and Ainslee are on the couch with Orion while Oran and Jagger try to introduce baby Jagger and Jamie to each other as if they can date now.
“You two need to control your men,” Esme jokes as she hugs Karessa then Ainslee.
They laugh as I follow with greetings of my own. Karessa is bouncing her godson on her knee while Ainslee stretches out on the couch enjoying a brief kid-free moment. We join them on the massive sectional and wait for Oran and Jagger to finish match making. When they continue to chat about their marriage as if it’s not at least twenty years away, Karessa growls then intervenes.
“Oran! Give me Xerxes now.”
Jagger ambles over with the baby boy in tow but his eyes shine with challenge. “I know childbirth is tiring but you called Junior. the wrong name. His name is Jagger.”
“I call him Xerxes.”
“But according to his birth certificate…” he insists but Ainslee cuts him off.
“Leave Karessa alone about her child before she attacks you. I’m too tired to bail you out.”
Karessa chuckles and takes her son from Jagger. “Ladies, meet Jagger Xerxes Hale.”
“Go ahead and get your time in first, Imala because I’m straight baby hogging afterwards,” Esme warns me.
I support my nephew’s head and tuck him to my body. My heart swells and I’m instantly in love. He blinks his big gray eyes at me as his spittle collects on his bottom lips. He sticks his little tongue out right before he yawns. He smells like heaven. I kiss the curls atop his head.
I try to focus on him and how precious he is but being surrounded by babies isn’t helping my game face. One of Ainslee’s babies begins cooing and the emotions I’ve been trying to suppress overwhelm me.
I sniffle, my vision clouds and then it’s all downhill from there. My tears flow freely but I try to keep my head low to hide my feelings but it’s no use.
“So, Oran and I are out,” Jagger announces.
“We’re going to get some drinks with the guys,” Oran supports Jagger’s claim as they back out of the house and far away from my emotions.
I pass baby J to Esme so I can wipe my face. The girls sit stunned for a beat since I’m not the emotive one.
“He’s beautiful,” I admit hoping they’ll think I’m just really happy to see my nephew.
“What’s wrong?” Karessa asks as she moves next to me and rubs my back.
Changing the subject is futile at this point so I go with the truth. “We can discuss it another day. Today is about meeting our nephew.”
“Like hell,” Esme says, looking up from our nephew. “Do I need to cut Wyn? I warned his ass I’d hurt him.”
I laugh and dab my face. “No. He’s great.”
“So, what’s the issue, chica?” Ainslee digs as she pops her boob into Orion’s mouth.
Resigning, I decide to share. “It’s been four months and I can’t manage to get pregnant.”
“Oh, hun. I know you looked, what does science say?”
I shrug. “A healthy couple only has a fifteen to twenty-five percent chance of getting pregnant each month and it would take anywhere from six months to a year to conceive.”
“See, there’s nothing wrong! You still have plenty of time,” Ainslee assures me.