Page 54 of Hale to Pay
“And what does he need to satisfy to be released from house arrest?”
Imala gets up and walks around my desk. I scoot back to allow her space. She straddles me in my chair, instantly giving me office sex fantasies, but the look on her face tells me that isn’t her purpose. Dropping my head back on the headrest, I cup her hips and look her in the eyes so she knows she has my undivided attention.
“The better question is what do you need, Wyn? If you want, I can set him free today. If you fear he’s going to run off and never come back like he did before, I can give you more time. For me, the main thing I wanted was for him to recognize he has a family and doesn’t have to do these things alone. I would love for him to see you as I do.”
“I can’t really see him as you do. I’m not meant to take his dick,” Berke says from the door.
I would threaten to punch him but he’s still himself after being knocked out cold so that’s pointless. Imala rolls her eyes and looks over her shoulder at Berke.
“I may need to make you wear bells as a condition of your house arrest.”
Berke raises his dark brows. “And who’s gonna put them on me, sweet cheeks?” Yup. Still the same. “Anyway, fifty points for office sex. I’m okay with talk of me being foreplay.”
Imala climbs out of my lap and nudges Berke with her elbow on the way out. He smiles as he watches her disappear.
“She’s quite the little spitfire. There’s some gumption behind those glasses,” he muses with a hint of admiration in his tone. “She’s perfect for you.” He looks at me with a seriousness in his brown eyes. “I’ll kill you if you tell that little hellion I said so.”
I grin but am thrown off by his chattiness. We are much more relaxed around each other and although he doesn’t make it his mission to insult me anymore, he’s still not the type to seek me out just because. I go to what I know just in case he is following up.
“I’m starting your stack. Did you find another bill or something?”
He shakes his head. Leaning on the door jamb, he rubs his beard and looks off in the distance like he does when he’s trying to work something out in his head.
“Actually, I popped over to see if you wanted to grab a bit of lunch.”
The confusion must be written on my face because Berke stiffens then stands up straighter. I didn’t mean to make him uncomfortable but I don’t recall ever being invited anywhere by him. Ever.
“You don’t have to look at me like that arsehole. I’m not asking you to pay.”
His defensiveness knocks me out of my stupor. Quickly, I stand and grab my wallet.
“No, Berke. It’s not anything like that. I just realized that was the first time you’ve invited me anywhere.”
“That’s not true. What about when…” his voice trails off when he fails to produce an instance to prove me wrong. “Well, damn. I’m inviting you now.”
“Is Bowie coming? Do Oran and Jagger know you two are trying to be the next Hanlon-Hale power couple?”
Berke’s expression displays his lack of amusement. “I’m single. We are two grown men who love a good party. The dude has so many groupies, I don’t even have to work for pussy.”
Outside, we climb into my vehicle and I pick up our previous conversation.
“Or you can find a pussy you really, really like.”
Berke scoffed as he secured his seatbelt. “Marriage isn’t for me and if you and Imala even think about trying to force me into marriage, I’ll blow up the mansion and we’ll all be homeless.”
I chortle but he’s dead ass serious.
We pop into one of our favorite lunch spots that is exclusive enough for a Founder’s kid to eat without being harassed. Mireya León loves preying on Berke’s unpredictability so he’s far more of a tabloid magnet than I am.
Settling in, we order appetizers and beers. Berke drinks half of his beer before his face is serious again.
“How are things going with Sienna?” I ask him.
His eyes roll heavenward. “Fuck her. She’s nosy.”
“You said that last time,” I point out.
He shrugs. “Because it’s still true.” Another beat of silence passes before he speaks again. “Okay, I had an agenda for asking you to lunch.”