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Page 9 of Take It (Sinclair 1)

Nick had barely regained his composure when the front door opened. Kalilah emerged looking as beautiful as ever. Nick rubbed his hand over his chest to ensure that his heart was still beating. He knew that it was Friday, but he’d briefly forgotten why it was his favorite day of the week. And his reason to favor this day was currently looking at him with her lips set in a grim line. He didn’t know her well enough to read her emotions, but anger was a universally readable emotion. He could also tell that she was having an internal debate about getting into his SUV.

She must have decided that going to work was more important than avoiding him. She sighed and grabbed her purse and laptop bag from the foyer. She instantly brightened his day when she turned to lock her front door. Oh, those jeans. Nick was grateful that he’d always taken great care in keeping his vehicle clean because he would have been embarrassed when she opened the back door. Man, was she that mad?

“You can sit in the front, ya know?” Nick said doing his best to sound casual. He was awarded with a death glare.

“I would think you would want to keep the front seat open for someone wholesome. We whores can sit in the back.”

Nick hope that she didn’t see him grimace. “Come sit in the front. I never called you that.”

She folded her arms, and Nick’s attention was momentarily diverted to her now-enhanced cleavage. Nick cleared his throat and forced his eyes back to hers. She didn’t seem to notice his distraction.

“Maybe not, but you definitely implied it. Twice in one work day.”

Nick recognized am uphill battle when he saw one. Nick’s mother also taught him to know when to concede in an argument and now was definitely one of those times. He turned more in her direction and hoped she could read the sincerity on his face.

“You’re right. I insulted you when it wasn’t necessary. It’s obvious that we need to have a talk. Please come up here with me so we can settle this.”

Her stance relaxed a little, but he could tell that she still wasn’t sure if she should trust him. He understood because he insulted her literally five minutes after apologizing for the first insult. She eyed him suspiciously, but his words were enough for her to climb into the front seat and put on her seatbelt.

He shifted in his seat because his body instantly reacted to her closeness and scent. The last thing he needed was for her to think he was some sort of pervert. Nick longed to touch her, but knew it wasn’t the time. He wasn’t sure he would ever get the chance; he kept screwing up royally. Nick directed his car back to the main street before he started to talk.

“Kalilah. I sincerely apologize for my words yesterday...I didn’t mean it.” Nick was trying to find a way to explain without making himself sound insecure and paranoid. “I am not usually so combative and rude, but my last few interactions with new people didn’t end well. I guess it has left me…guarded.” He could feel her eyes on him he stopped for a red light and glanced in her direction. “Please ignore me if I happen to put my foot in my mouth again. I don’t mean it.”

She raised an eyebrow, and Nick wasn’t sure what she was about to say, but he knew it wouldn’t be what he wanted to hear.

“So, you want me to adopt the Battered Wife Syndrome, mentally?”

Nick frowned and glanced at her. “What?”

Kalilah shrugged. “You continue to say what you want when you want, and I am supposed to constantly make excuses for you in my mind. ‘He was having a bad day. He didn’t mean it.’ You know stuff like that.”

Nick wasn’t sure how to answer her. He wasn’t sure if that was how his apology sounded to her or if she was just being irrational.

“I know,” she continued. “Let’s practice. Go ahead, call me a name or throw another baseless accusation at me and let’s see how I handle it.”

Nick shook his head. Now she was speaking a language that he knew fluently – sarcasm. Kalilah either didn’t realize he was being sincere, or he didn’t present his case correctly. Either way, they were going nowhere fast. “This isn’t going as I hoped. Let’s start with something simple. Where do you want to grab breakfast?”

Even her shrug was sarcastic. “You tell me Nick, what do I want? You seem to have me all figured out. Tell me what to eat.”

Nick started to become frustrated, but he knew his life would be easier if he remained diplomatic and didn’t engage her mood.

“Well, my memory is borderline photographic. I recall you throwing away a bag from the bakery at the next light. Would you like to go there again today?” She looked slightly surprised but remained silent. “I will take that as a yes.”

Nick turned into the lot and navigated into the nearest parking spot and killed the engine. She remained in her seat and didn’t move even after he got out and headed toward the bakery. He turned and gestured for her to follow; she turned and looked out of the window instead.

Resigned, he went in without her. He halfway expected her to be gone when he returned a few minutes later with two bags of food and two bottles of orange juice. He wasn’t surprised when she didn’t accept it or acknowledge him. He put her food down next to her and continued their journey to the office. He was starving, so he polished off a kolache before trying again.

“Look, Kalilah, I know we’ve had terrible start, but I am not going out of my way to insult you.” She scoffed. He held up his hand. “I am not asking you to allow me to disrespect you because it’s not my intention. I was just trying to clear the air.”

“Well, maybe you can explain why you go out of your way to think the worse of me? Do I have ‘slut’ written on my forehead or something? According to your assumptions, I was three seconds from blowing you in the parking lot yesterday morning for a promotion.” Nick inwardly groaned and tried to erase the fantasy she unknowingly generated in his head. “And by that aftern

oon, I was three seconds away from doing your dad in his office. Which way do you want it Nick? Am I trying to fuck you or your dad?”

Nick flinched. She was going to kill him. He wasn’t shocked that she cursed, he’d watched in amusement as she said about as much of the same to her computer the day before. But, the context was killing him. He wanted to shout, “Me please!” His cock was having a field day, and he needed to reign it all back in.


“I know!” She cut him off. “It’s a new day. Maybe it will be Dex! Or, maybe you will decide to make me a lesbian, and I pursue your mom or sister.” She huffed and blew her hair out of her face and stared out of the window. “You know, I’m not sure if your low opinion is of women in general, black women, or if it’s just me.”

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