Page 2 of Admit It (Sinclair 2)
Her breasts were pressed against his deliciously hard chest, and the heat of his hands warmed her hips. Her hands were splayed on his biceps. It took an act of Congress for her not to squeeze them. Each breath pulled in the delicious scent of his cologne. A few shallow breaths told her that she either needed to be an adult and breathe in his scent or pass out due to lack of oxygen. She tried to focus on the part of his neck she could see, but her curiosity was becoming too strong.
Cautiously, her eyes traced a vein in his neck up to his slightly full yet completely kissable lips. She involuntarily licked her lips and saw his twitch. Finally, she built up the courage to look him in his eyes. His intense gray gaze was focused on her recently moistened lips. When his eyes finally locked with hers, they were hot and made a lot of sexual promises. Man, he was breathtaking.
Cayla watched fascinated as his mouth and eyes said two different things.
His mouth: “Relax, I’m not going to eat you or anything.”
His eyes: Unless you want to be eaten all night long...
His mouth: “Your outfit is lovely.”
His eyes: You’d look better naked.
His mouth: “This is a beautiful wedding reception.”
His eyes: Not as beautiful as your naked body in my bed.
Cayla laughed, she couldn’t help it. She explained when he gave her a puzzled look. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure which part of you I’m supposed to be listening to right now.”
“What do you mean?” his eyes and mouth said in unison.
Cayla was known to be a direct person, so now that he’d figuratively cornered her at the wedding, she couldn’t hold her tongue. She’d also thought about the other things her tongue could be doing to her dance partner. She spoke after mentally gagging her inner slut.
“Your mouth is trying to have a normal conversation, but your eyes are trying to seduce me.”
Dex’s mouth moved into a predatory grin and all pretenses fell away. “So, you want to know what part of me is honest?” Cayla nodded, and Dex pulled her hips flush against his. He splayed his left hand on her lower back to hold her against his partial erection. Cayla gasped.
“Honest enough for you?” Cayla couldn’t speak; she only continued to sway with him because her stupid body liked being pressed against his. “Wrap your arms around my neck,” he demanded. Cayla complied.
Cayla’s heart was beating like she’d just completed a marathon. She was stuck in his gray eyes, and everyone else started to drift way. He increased the intimacy of their embrace by putting his cheek next to hers. Her nipples hardened; her stomach fluttered. He whispered in her ear.
“Cayla, I’m going to get to the point. Consider this your warning...” His breath on her ear made her shudder. “I’ve waited long enough, and your free time is expiring soon. I’m going out of town for a few weeks, and I will pursue you when I return.”
Cayla’s heart fluttered. “I don’t date white men, Dex.”
Dex smiled. He traced his right thumb across her lips, along her jaw, and under her chin. Leaving an inferno in its wake. He tipped her head up so she could look him in the eyes.
“You will.”
It was only two words, but the heat in his eyes and the desire in his voice set her panties on fire. She was in trouble. He grabbed her left hand with his right and expertly spun her out of his embrace. Cayla was off center and aroused, but she wasn’t about to show it.
The Kings of Leon tune “Use Somebody” fluttered through the dance floor. Cayla turned and sidestepped dancing couples until she was a safe distance away from Dex. A parting glance over her shoulder told her that he still stood on the dance floor with both hands in his pockets making sinful promises with his eyes.
Chapter 2
Dex’s eyes lingered on Cayla’s retreating ass. Damn. She could walk away a thousand times and he would happily watch. Desire hummed through his body. He’d only held her for a few minutes, and he’d already missed touching her. It felt…right. Having her against him was an experience he planned on repeating in the near future. Her stilettos carried her tight, white slacks-covered ass farther out of his reach. Her white pants along with her light pink top made her look like spring in winter. She was a perfectly blossomed flower that he fully intended to pluck.
He clenched his hands. I don’t date white men. Her last words mocked him.
“Someone should tell her body that,” he whispered under his breath.
Dex knew desire when he saw it and he didn’t have to be cocky to acknowledge that she wanted him. Dex replayed the way her eyes flashed and her lips involuntarily parted when he pulled her against his body. Cayla didn’t try to pull away nor was she offended. He fought the urge to grind against her and breathe in her soft scent. She was definitely under his skin.
The bar was his solace; he ambled over after Cayla was no longer in sight and ordered a strong Jack and Coke. It wasn’t his go-to beverage; he didn’t drink much hard liquor after his partying days ended two years ago because, to him, alcohol dulled his senses, and he wanted to feel, taste, see, and hear everything to the fullest. But tonight, his favorite pair of hazel eyes held him on the constant edge of longing and desire. It had been so hard not to touch her. The sudden wave of irrational jealousy that he’d felt when Nick wrapped her in his arms was alarming and unsettling. He had to have her. There wasn’t much he could do about it at that moment, but he could join Kalilah in the line dances that were starting.
“He’s doing the fucking Wobble!” Cayla groaned to herself when she returned from the restroom. She needed to be somewhere he couldn’t follow until her heartrate returned to its normal rhythm. He
unsettled her in a way that no man had ever achieved, and she didn’t like it. She should have been on the dance floor shaking her ass with Kalilah and Natalia, but she couldn’t exorcise her sour mood. Dex wasn’t her whole issue, just an irritating extra in her “poor me” series.