Page 40 of Always Hiding
“More.” Madeline rasped, her fingernails digging into the sensitive skin of my neck. Her eyes were glazed over and her lips were swollen from our earlier kissing. She looked absolutely wanton against the door. All of my earlier concerns about hurting her left my mind as I slammed into her even harder than before, and was lost amongst the ocean of sensations.
I wasn’t sure who came first, but suddenly I felt my balls tighten, and Madeline’s pussy clamped down on my cock so hard that I was seeing stars. Madeline’s teeth grazed my neck, not enough to break the skin but enough to muffle her moan as I pressed us both into the door. I used it to hold us up, and rode out the wave of pure ecstasy coursing through my body.
“You didn’t knot me.” Madeline sounded a little miffed as she leaned back to get a better look at me. “I love knots.” Her voice was still a bit sex-drunk as she pouted at me.
Rio had told me about how good Madeline was at taking his knot, and how wild it had driven her. He had said it more to tease me as he thrusted inside of me that night, but I had filed that information away just for this moment.
Turning, I carried Madeline into the suite, and nudged the door to the bedroom open with my foot. “I didn’t knot you,” I told her as I pulled her off of my still half-hard cock and tossed her onto the bed. “Because we’re not done yet. I’m not going to knot you until I’m completely done, Madeline, and then, once you’re knotted, I’m going to continue to tease you until you come at least three more times on my knot.”
Flicking on a bedside table lamp so I could get a better look at her, I lifted one of her legs and watched my release run down the inside of her thighs. It pleased something animalistic deep inside of me, and my cock hardened again, already ready for another round.
I pumped it once, and then twice, before bringing my thumb up to my mouth to suck our combined moisture from it. “Are you ready for round two, Madeline?”
“Are you ready for roundtwo, Madeline?” His growl washed over me and pushed all thoughts of exhaustion from my mind. Despite the fact that I had come twice in the last fifteen minutes, I still wanted more. I wanted to be filled totally by Adair. To feel the stretching burn of his knot. After having sex with Rio, I finally understood why everyone giggled and blushed when talking about an alpha’s knot. I was completely addicted.
As I watched him lick his fingers clean with his tongue, the image that he created was so sinfully delicious that my insides clenched with need, and I was ready for round two.
I crooked my finger at him before flipping over onto my stomach, presenting my ass to him, and wagging it in the air. “What do you think?” I teased and grinned when his fingers gripped my hips with a bruising pressure.
“I think,” Adair groaned as he notched the head of his cock at my entrance. “That I want to see you writhe between Rio and I sooner rather than later.” With that, he slammed back into me and plastered his front to my back so that he could whisper in my ear.
“Imagine Rio underneath you, filling you, while I take this pretty ass of yours, and we bring you so much pleasure that you go crazy from it.” My whole body shuddered as he spoke.
“Do you know what else Rio told me, honey?” His breath tickled my ear as his hips slapped into my ass with a satisfying smack. “He said that your ears are really sensitive.”
I had just barely registered his words before his teeth grazed my ear lobe. Rio had spent his fair share of time playing with my ears. It was one of his favorite things to do when we were together, and now Adair was going to use the same tactic to drive me insane.
I clenched down on Adair’s cock, hard, and he moaned, the vibrations from the sound flowed from his teeth and into my sensitive ear.
Everything after that was a blur. I wasn’t even sure how many times Adair made me come, but when he finally slipped his knot inside of me and came with a shout, I was still in the middle of a mindless orgasm of my own.
Afterward, I lay on top of his chest as we tried to catch our breath. I laid my undoubtedly sweaty head onto his chest and listened to the rapidthump-thump-thumpof his heart.
Knots felt amazing, but I was quickly learning that my favorite part about them was because they forced the couple to stay close together after sex. It was a level of intimacy that I’d never experienced before, since all of my sexual partners prior to Rio and Adair had rolled away as soon as they were finished.
“What are you thinking about so hard?” Adair lifted my chin and pressed the gentlest of kisses to my lips.
I thought back to dinner, when Adair had shared about his father. I had wanted to say something about my childhood, but we’d been interrupted by our food coming.
I pressed a kiss to Adair’s chest and I began. “When I was twelve-years-old my parents abandoned me.”
Adair stiffened underneath me, and his hands came up to make small circles on my back. “It was when they realized that I was always going to be a beta. The Zhao family doesn’t produce betas. They were going to hide me away at some boarding school, but Ric intervened. He and the rest of Pack Russo became my guardians.” I hadn’t told anyone this story in a long time. All of those closest to me already knew.
I was fully expecting the same raw feelings that I always got whenever I thought about my parents to begin chafing at my insides, but instead, all I felt was Adair’s knot still locked inside of me and his hand stroking my back. I was safe and protected.
“Did you want to be an omega?” He asked, surprising me. No one had ever asked me that before, I’d always been told that it’s what Ishouldhave been. I would be lying if I said that I hadn’t thought about it before. The idea of being comforted and pampered by alphas on an instinctual level sounded nice, but after meeting Eloise and Tibby, I had realized just how much freedom that I had as a beta.
“Maybe once upon a time,” I replied honestly. “But with the way that omegas are treated...I think I like my life just as it is.” If I was an omega, I would never have been allowed out of my parent’s house until it came time to send me to the academy. They would have probably bribed the academy to match me with the pack of their choosing and the thought made me shudder. No, I was definitely happy as a beta.
A rattling noise came from Adair’s chest, and I realized with a start that he was purring. It was different from Rio’s purr, rougher somehow, and the vibrations were supremely comforting. It would never completely calm me down the way that it would for an omega, but it was like white noise, and I started to become drowsy.
“Get some sleep, honey.” The purring paused as Adair said that before it promptly started again. I drifted off, still locked onto his knot, and surrounded by his purr, and I felt completely safe.