Page 69 of Always Hiding
When we stepped back into the main office together I saw Alice’s pink cheeks and Vitaly’s redneck. Obviously the tiniest seed of something had sprouted in between them and I smugly grinned at Marcus who just shook his head.
“What am I going to do with you?” He whispered in my ear as we stepped onto the elevator.
“Love me and rub my feet later?” I offered and was rewarded with a rumbling chuckle.
“We’re home!” Adaircalled from the front entryway of the house that we were currently renting in Sausalito. That had been the first thing that they had done when I told them about my pregnancy.
I ended the lease on my apartment and they had done the same for theirs. We’d chosen to live in Sausalito because the house was just up the street from Eloise and her pack. It was nice to be able to walk there if I wanted to and it had a pool which I spent many a day trying to cool down from the surprisingly hot Bay Area summer. It also had a state-of-the-art security system and a granny-suite for the security team to stay in when they were on shift. No one could even get close to the gate without our security team knowing it.
I heard the sound of their bags dropping in the entryway and the rumble of their voices as they spoke to one another. I was standing in the kitchen with a bowl full of cottage cheese in one hand, and a thick slice of sourdough bread in the other.
“I’m in the kitchen!” I answered around a mouthful of my delicious concoction. It wasn’t exactly the sexiest image for them to come home to, but I was starving.
That didn’t seem to matter to the two alphas who practically ran into the room before sweeping me into a group hug that nearly made me drop my bowl. With only a minor wince at what I was sure was dragon breath from my food of choice, they both greeted me with affectionate kisses.
“No,” I laughed as the kisses tickled my neck and bare shoulders. “I need to brush my teeth first. I was eating sauerkraut before this.” It tasted so good, but smelledsobad.
“We don’t care.” Rio informed me as his hands finally found my stomach and his fingers splayed across the expanse of it. The baby, as it always did when one of my alphas touched my stomach, gave a little thump. Rio’s eyes immediately filled with the same wonder and affection that they always did whenever he felt our child move.
“I swear you’ve grown so much in a month.” Adair pressed a kiss to my bond mark and my entire body shuddered. I could feel the bond give a return shiver and realized that we probably had interrupted Marcus during one of his afternoon meetings. “You are going to cause Marcus to mess up his meetings.” I scolded Adair and gave him a little swat on the shoulder. The cheeky alpha just grinned at me because he knew exactly what he was doing.
Extracting myself from their grabby hands, I rinsed my bowl off and finished off my bread. “I’m going to brush my teeth before I end up on the kitchen floor naked with breath that could curl paint. When I get back I want to ask you both something.”
The house was single story, and my bedroom was in the far back. It was the biggest room, and I had taken it at the guy’s insistence. They had been working on a nursery in the little sitting room that was connected to the master and I breezed through it on my way into my bedroom. I had decided not to find out the gender of the baby until it was born, so we had decided to go with a calming shade of green for the walls. A white crib was already assembled, and I needed to put the linens on it still. I was still waiting for my nesting instincts to kick in, but right now I was more focused on the two alphas waiting for me in the front of the house.
Making quick work of brushing my teeth, I swished with mouthwash for good measure. I definitely didn’t want to have bad breath when I finally asked Rio and Adair to bond with me.
“All better?” Adair asked as I joined them in the living room. He held his arms out for me, and I willingly stepped into his embrace. His comforting scent that reminded me of leather and some kind of citrus wafted over me. I inhaled it deeply into my lungs, letting it soothe my nervousness about what I was going to ask them.
Rio completed the hug, closing me into a delightful sandwich that would have been a pleasant smoosh if my stomach wasn’t getting in the way. I was excited for the baby, but I could do without the whole being pregnant part of it.
I figured now was as good a time as any to make my request, their comforting scents soothed my nerves and gave me the courage to finally speak. “I know you might be tired from all of the traveling...but I want to ask this before things get even busier in the next couple of months. Would you both do me the honor of bonding with me?”
I felt Rio’s intake of breath behind me, and I was suddenly being whirled around so that I was facing him. His sweet dark brown eyes searched my face as if he was trying to see if I was joking. “Are you sure?”
“Completely. I would have done it sooner, but I wanted it to be both of you at the same time. It wouldn’t have felt right otherwise.”
“Madeline, we would be absolutely honored to be bonded with you.” Adair rumbled into my ear, and my entire body shuddered with the pleasure that I always felt when my sensitive ears were stimulated in any way.
Suddenly, Rio scooped me up into his arms and began to make his way towards the hallway.
“Now?” I squeaked with the suddenness of his movement, glad that my morning sickness was gone because the jostling would have definitely made me hurl.
“No time like the present.” Rio’s eyes were molten with need, and he paused at the entrance to the hall. “You coming, Adair?” He called over his shoulder, and I could hear Adair’s footsteps behind us as Rio carried me the rest of the way to my bedroom.