Page 12 of Passport to Him
I standon the soft sand as my toes begin to feel warm from the sun-heated beach below me. The clear waters ahead of me gently rush onto the sand with its white rippling waves. My eyes close as I listen to the sounds around me, relishing in the relaxation. I adjust my breasts as they begin to peek out from under my long sleeve bikini top. I have never worn a swimsuit like this before in my life, nevertheless, be confident around people in a suit like this. It was as if I was under someone else’s control of my mind and body. Fingertips grazed across the black fabric of my bikini bottom. It felt like my skin was on fire as a shadow appeared beside me. A teasing smile comes to my lips.
“Akeem,” I tease.
“This is the most secluded part of the beach. It’s the best chance to see them,” he says, returning a gleaming smile to me.
That smile was as pearly white as ivory and his eyes as green as the palm trees. He was trouble in its truest form. He had a story clearly, but I argue with myself to not let an attachment form.
This is a passport to get dick, not feelings.
The feeling of a persistent gaze being on me stops me from walking into the water. I turn to my side to meet his gaze which is solely on my large breasts.
“What is it?” I ask curiously.
“If the fish won’t be distracted, I sure will,” Akeem says.
“Planning on it,” I reply, holding out my hand for him to take.
With one hand full carrying two snorkel masks, he held my hand in the other. I can’t stop myself from admiring the deep v of his abs within full view. His powder blue swim trunks hung loosely on his hips. The soft sand of the beach quickly transitioned to jagged and rough rocks. I falter as a rock sends a twinge of pain through my foot. He steadies me with his hand and holds me upright with ease.
“I got you,” he whispers.
I release a deep breath with a quick smile full of gratitude. He pulls my hand along with him as he dives into the ocean water. The water was a pleasant warm and the clearest blue that I believed I would only see in movies.
We swam next to large clusters of rocks and coral. A pleasant observer to the homes that clownfish, seahorses, and pufferfish called home. He points to a large dark mass in the distance. I can’t make out anything but a large circle dot in the distance quickly approaching. My eyebrows raise in a quick glance over at him. He smiles sweetly and nods straight ahead. Willing me to look at what came closer to us. A giant fucking pufferfish? What the fuck is it? There it was. The telltale movements of the flippers of a sea turtle. This black mass was a full-grown sea turtle in front of my very eyes. It swam past us, close enough to touch. My birthday wish to see one up close realized. This majestic creature was even more ethereal in person. As it swims past us again, I run my hand along it’s shell and it doesn’t flinch. We swam for what seemed like hours. His hand never leaving mine once.
As we come up to the surface of the ocean, I gently take my snorkel mask off my head and hold it in my hands. I don’t recognize the small cove we are currently swimming in. It is not where we started our adventure. I raked my fingers through my wet curled hair and look around curiously.
“Where are we?” I ask.
I look back to question him and my breath hitches. This man is fucking hot. His black curled hair wet from the ocean water. The waves of the ocean enveloping them gently. He inches towards me.
“Akeem,” I breathe, my hand wrapping around his neck as my fingers trace the tattoos there.
“I want you,” he whispers, his hands wrapping around my cheeks.
“About time,” I say.
His lips crash on mine with such veracity that my breath catches. As his tongue enters my mouth, I taste the salt from the gentle waves crashing against us. My breaths quickened as an illicit pleasure-filled moan escaped my lips. His kiss is tense and rushed, but his lips are soft and salty from the water.
“As much I want this here, the salt water is too harsh and I don’t want that sweet pussy of yours to be in any pain,” he says against my mouth.
“Deal,” I moan.
He led me to the quiet cove and lay me gently down with my back against the soft sand. He balls the string to his swim trunks in his hands. His eyes, squarely on mine as he gazes at me bracing himself on his knees above me.
“What do you want?” he asks.
“You,” I say timidly.
“Happy birthday,” he teases.
He pulls his cock free from his swimsuit trunks. Every thought gone. I knew nothing about him except his name. The first stamp on my penis passport is about to fuck me on a private beach in Barbados, on my birthday. This is what I wanted, what I needed. I should be nervous, hesitant.
I’m not.
I’m hot.
I’m willing.
I want this.
“Fuck you, Lucas,” I whispered.
He reached for my bikini top, pushing it up to my neck. My large breasts freed from the tight fabric, falling into his calloused grasp.
“Fuck,” he swore.
He pulled me closer to him, close enough to feel his hard cock pushing against the thin fabric of my bikini. His fingers graze my clit as he pulls the black fabric to the side exposing my swollen center to the cold air of the swirling offshore wind around us.
“You’re ready for me?” he asks.
“Hurry up,” I demand.
He plunged his cock into me as calm waves hit against our skin. The sand quickly forming a paste between us, but I didn’t care. My legs wrap around Akeem’s waist, willing him to push deeper inside of me, moving tandemly with the tempo he set. My naked breasts pressed against his wet and naked chest as he releases a breathy moan against my neck. I looked heavenward and squeezed my eyes shut as my pleasure comes to the forefront. I have never been this close to coming, but yet still feels so far away from my grasp. I feel the shudder deep inside of me that I have never felt before. Just as shivers get sent down my back, the tempo with Akeem starts to quicken. His release is imminent. With a low growl, he pushes out of me and pulls his shaft out, before lying face down in the sand below him. I may not have had an orgasm, but that was amazing. I look over at the handsome man breathing heavily beside me and back up to the glowing moon above us.
Happy birthday to me.