Page 40 of Passport to Him
FINN: Did you make it to Rome?
ME: I did. Even threw the obligatory coin into the fountain.
FINN: As you should. I don’t like you are there alone.
ME: I will be fine.
FINN: Come back to Dublin. I miss you.
ME: I need to do this.
FINN: Just be careful, goddess.
ME: Always.
A wave of contentment comes through me. Finn being able to make me smile with a few sentences and turn me around. As I pocket my phone back into my purse, I suddenly feel off. That feeling you have when someone is staring at you from across the room. I look up slowly, surveying my surroundings. Everyone minding their own business and talking amongst themselves. I searched everyone in the crowd around me, but no one is looking at me. The feeling of prying eyes never stopped. My breath catches in my throat as I am overcome with nervousness. I stand up and turn to leave the fountain and meet eyes with the most piercing set of blue eyes I have ever seen. They were glacier blue, almost crystal. They commanded attention, but I wilted like a flower. I look away from the staring eyes in the opposite direction and see several people walking around with gelato. I walk quickly in their direction. Silently praying, I can flee these piercing eyes.
Was it nervousness? How can a set of eyes be so nerve-wracking?
As I walk into Gelato in Trevi, I am met with fragrant aroma of waffle cones mixed with espresso, with hints of caramel and chocolate. It was intoxicating. The line wasn’t as long as I thought it was, and as I stood in front of the cooler full of alluring metal bins of colors swirled together in flavors of citrus, berries, vanilla, almonds.
Dolce latte.
How can I possibly decide?!
An older man around my father’s age stood behind the counter. His contagious smile in full beam.
“Buongiorno,” I greet.
“Buongiorno!” He exclaims.
I took a deep breath, praying that the small amount of Italian I have studied will help me in this moment.
“Vorrei un gelato medio in cono, per favore,” I say.
“Si, si,” he replies, grabbing a cone from the counter beside me.
This man with his handlebar mustache and white hair was the cutest thing I have seen in a while. His good-natured smile reminded me of my Nonno.
“Un cioccolato e fragola, per favore?” I ask.
“Of course!” He exclaims in broken English.
“You speak English?” I ask.
“A little English. A little,” an amused chuckle escaping from his lips.
“My Italian is very rusty, I apologize.”
“No, no it’s perfect. I will get that for you.”
I watched him carefully and expertly gather a scoop of pale pink gelato on top of the dark brown chocolate inside the waffle cone in his hands. He hands it to me with a knowing smirk, and I accept it gratefully before handing him the money for my bill.
“Grazie. Enjoy Roma,” he says, his head nodding slightly to me.
As I leave the small shop, I inhale the sweet smells of the chocolate strawberry richness from the gelato in my hands.
This may possibly be better than sex. Oh my God.
The same feeling, I had re-emerged as I feel eyes on me. I don’t feel like I am in danger. Or someone stalking me. But a powerful presence making me feel nervous. I look for any kind of exit, and ducks into a nearby alleyway. My back resting against the pumpkin and ruby colored walls of the building behind me. My chest rising and falling in rapid and shallow breaths. A man goes running past me, not seeing where I hide. His thick build and muscular body accentuated by the tightest navy suit pants I have seen a man wear before.
“What are you doing?” I ask.
He stops mid-step and turns around to face me. I come face to face with the piercing glacier eyes at the fountain. Seeing them this close in person is hypnotic. His black button-up polo shirt showed off his muscled arms. The words failed me. My thoughts left me.
“You are melting,” his thick Italian accent causes me to skip a breath.
“What?” I ask.