Page 67 of Passport to Him
I wince, “So, tell me then.”
Movement from the doorway stops us in our tracks. The captain of the yacht stands in the doorway, his gaze quickly going in between us. Suddenly, I feel exposed realizing there was another person on the yacht with us. I grabbed the comforter from the bed and wrapped the white plush blanket around me as I held it protectively around my semi-naked body.
“Excusa,” the captain says.
“What is it?” Enzo bellows, shooting him a look, full of daggers of disapproval at the interruption.
“Antonio has been calling the phone nonstop for the past two hours. I can tell him to stop calling, but he won’t take no for an answer,” he says.
“For fucks sake,” Enzo seethes, taking the satellite phone from the captain’s hands.
“I already did as you asked. Money is in their account first thing this morning. The job is done,” he says before exiting the room angrily.
I give a reassuring smile to the captain before he nods and quickly leaves the room uncomfortably. I open the translate app on my phone before walking to the doorway, out of eyesight from Enzo. His angry pacing and feverish angered Italian curses were too much for my rusty Italian vocabulary to comprehend. I look down at the app to see it starting to translate.
“Voglio un futtuto giorno tutto per me con lei prima che tutto il suo mondo imploda su se stesso,” Enzo bellows angrily, his fist pumped in anger in the air.
I want one fucking weekend to myself with her before her whole world implodes on itself.
“What?” I whisper.
“La veritá ci distruggerá,” he says, a hushed whisper into the empty main cabin in front of him before running his fingers of his free hand through his hair.
I look down at the screen of my phone and see:
The truth will destroy us.
The truth will destroy us. What truth? Who is Lorenzo Capetti? How could I fall in love with someone who is hiding something at every turn? Is he right? Do I hold Finn on a pedestal, and I am just not letting him in and seeing faults that aren’t there? I could curse myself for not being fluent in fucking Italian.