Page 2 of The Demon Lover

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Page 2 of The Demon Lover


“Who owns the house across the street?” I asked later, while having afternoon tea with Diana Hart on the porch. Diana, a slim, copiously freckled woman in her fifties, shifted in her wicker rocker.

“What house?” she asked, her large brown eyes widening. She wore her chestnut brown hair so closely cropped that it accentuated the size of her eyes.

I pointed across the street even though the house wasn’t visible. “The one behind the overgrown hedge. A pretty yellow Queen Anne with green trim. It has a very unusual stained-glass fanlight over the front door.”

“You went up to the door?” Diana asked, setting down her delicate china cup in its matching saucer. Milky tea sloshed over the brim.

“The house looked empty…” I started to explain.

“Oh yes, no one’s lived there for more than twenty years. Not since Dahlia LaMotte’s cousin died.”

“Dahlia LaMotte, the novelist?” I asked.

“Oh, you’ve heard of her?” Diana had her head down while she added more sugar to her tea. I could have sworn she’d already put in two teaspoons, but then she had quite the sweet tooth, as evidenced by the pink frosted Victoria sponge cake and chocolate-chip scones spread out over the wicker table in front of us. “I thought her books had gone out of fashion long ago.”

Diana was right about that. Dahlia LaMotte had written ahalf dozen bodice-ripper romances at the turn of the twentieth century—the kind of books in which a young girl loses her parents and then finds herself at the mercy of an overbearing Byronic hero who locks her up in a Gothic tower and makes threats against her virginity until he is reformed by her love and proposes honorable marriage. Obviously influenced by Ann Radcliffe and the Brontës, her books were avidly read in the beginning of the twentieth century, but then fell out of favor. They’d been reprinted in the sixties when authors like Mary Stewart and Victoria Holt made Gothic romance popular again. You could still find copies of those reprints—tattered paperbacks featuring nightgown-clad heroines fleeing a looming castle on their covers—on the Internet, but I hadn’t had to buy them there. I’d found them hidden behind the “good books” on my grandmother’s bookshelves, a dozen books all with the name Emmeline Stoddard written on their flyleaves, and devoured them the summer I was twelve—which was another theory of where the shadow man of my dreams had come from: reading all those steamy Dahlia LaMotte books!

“I’m interested in the intersection of fairy tales and the Gothic imagination,” I said primly—a primness ruined by the blood that rose to my cheeks at the memory of a particularly salacious scene in my favorite Dahlia LaMotte book,The Dark Stranger. “I knew she lived in upstate New York, but I didn’t know she lived here.”

“Oh yes, we’ve had quite a number of famous authors in Fairwick. Dahlia was the daughter of Silas LaMotte, who made his fortune in shipping tea from the Far East. He built Honeysuckle House in 1893 for his wife and daughter. He planted Japanese honeysuckle all around it because his wife, Eugenia, loved the smell of it. Sadly, Eugenia died a few months after they moved into the house and Silas died soon after that. Dahlia lived all alone in Honeysuckle House, writing her novels, until her death in 1934. She left it to a younger cousin, Matilda Lindquist, who lived there alone until her death in 1990.”

“Matilda never married?”

“Oh no!” Diana widened her eyes and then looked down, noticed the spilled tea in her saucer, and blotted it with a cloth napkin embroidered with hearts and flowers. “Matilda was a sweet, but rather childlike woman of very little imagination. Really the perfect one to live in Honeysuckle House.”

“Why’s that?” I asked.

“Just that living alone on the edge of the woods might scare some people if they had active imaginations,” she said, pouring herself another cup of tea. She held the pot over my cup and raised a tawny eyebrow. I indicated I’d take another cup, even though I’m more a coffee person than a tea person.

“But Dahlia LaMotte lived there alone,” I pointed out. “And she certainly had an imagination.”

“Yes,” Diana conceded, “but Dahlialikedto scare herself. That’s how she got the ideas for her books.”

“Hm, that’s an interesting notion,” I said. “I’d love to see the house. Do you know who owns it now?”

“Some LaMotte relation in Rochester. Dory Browne of Browne Realty holds the key, sees to repairs, and shows it to the occasional house hunter. A lovely gay couple from the city looked at it last year and almost bought it. They would have been perfect for it, but they changed their minds.”

“So Dory Browne could show it to me if I wanted to see it?”

Diana looked up from her tea and blinked her long dark lashes. “Are you thinking of buying it?”

I began to protest, but I stopped. Really I only wanted to see the house out of literary curiosity, but if I told Diana that she might not be able to convince Dory Browne to show it to me. “Well, if I get an offer to teach here I’d have to find someplace to live. And I’m tired of living in a cramped little apartment.” That part was at least true. My studio apartment in Inwood was the size of a closet.

Diana was studying me carefully. For a moment I was afraid she’d caught me in a lie. But it turned out that wasn’t it at all.“I’ll call Dory and ask her to come by tomorrow morning to show you the house. I’m not sure if the Honeysuckle House would be right for you,” she said. “But I think you might be perfect forit.”

After consuming Diana’s ample tea, I decided that although I was too full for a run, I’d better take a long walk to burn off the scones and clotted cream. I walked down toward Main Street, past Victorian houses, some lovingly restored like the Hart Brake Inn and others in various stages of disintegration or restoration. As I neared Main Street the houses grew larger, but also shabbier. Clearly the town of Fairwick had enjoyed a time of prosperity at the end of the nineteenth century. Faded signs on brick walls advertised long gone businesses: LaMotte Tea Company, Miss Fisk’s Haberdashery, and, in giant letters across a huge brick building, the Ulster & Clare Railroad. I vaguely recalled that the town had been an important railroad hub in the late nineteenth century, but then the Ulster & Clare had failed, the trains had stopped coming to Fairwick, and the town began its long slow decline into shabbiness and poverty. It still had elegant bones, though. A Greek Revival library stood in a green park that had once been prettily landscaped. Now the rose bushes were leggy and a strange-looking bush with feathery gray blooms—like a giant dust mop—had taken over the paths and flowerbeds. The yards of once stately Victorians were overgrown and crowded with garden statuary. The residents of Fairwick were apparently partial to red-capped gnomes, plastic deer statues, and metal cutouts of winged fairies. No Madonnas, no baby Jesuses, but maybe those came out at Christmas.

Main Street itself was sad and dreary. Half the storefronts were abandoned. The businesses that looked to be flourishing were the tattoo parlor (ubiquitous in college towns, I’d noticed from my recent lecture tours), an old Airstream diner, a headshop, and a coffee place called Fair Grounds. At least the latter smelled like it brewed a decent cup of coffee. I bought a soy latte and aNew York Timesand a sandwich in case I got hungry later, although I suspected that Diana’s tea would hold me till bedtime.

Walking back uphill to the inn, I passed Browne Realty. Looking at the listings pasted onto the window I saw that the houses in town were going for even less than I’d imagined. For the price of a one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan I could get a five-bedroom Victorian here. I wondered what Honeysuckle House would sell for.

It started to drizzle then, so I walked faster up the hill. It wasn’t raining hard when I reached the inn, so I stopped on the other side of the road and peered through the hedge at Honeysuckle House. The face on the pediment seemed to look back at me. The raindrops streaming down its cheeks looked unnervingly like tears. Suddenly the rain began to fall harder. I crossed the street and sprinted up the steps to the porch, stopping to shake the rain out of my hair and off my jacket so I wouldn’t shed water all over Diana’s hooked rugs and chintz-upholstered furniture. A thump on the wooden steps behind me made me turn around, sure that someone had followed me up the steps, but no one was there. Nothing was there but the rain, falling so hard now that it looked like a gray moiré curtain that billowed and swelled in the wind. For a moment I saw a shape in the falling water—a face, as if just behind the watery veil, a face I knew, but from where? Before I could place it, the face was gone, blown away in a gust of wind. Only then did I recall where I’d seen that face. It was carved into the pediment of Honeysuckle House.

It was an afterimage, I told myself later when I was lying in the too-soft four-poster bed, listening to the rain that hadn’t let up all evening. I’d stared at the face on the pediment long enoughthat I’d fashioned it out of the falling rain. A face, after all, was the easiest pattern to find in random shapes. And that face—the wide-set dark eyes, the broad brow, the high cheekbones, aquiline nose, and full lips—was particularly striking. So striking that I’d even imagined for a moment that it was the face of the fairytale prince from my adolescent dreams, but that was impossible because I’d never seen his face. He’d always stood on the edge of the darkness, inches from the moonlight that would have revealed his face. I could almost see him now, taking shape behind the veil of my eyelids instead of the scrim of rainwater.

I forced my eyes back open. I was tired, but I’d told Paul I would call him at nine California time so I was struggling to stay awake until midnight. At a quarter to, I called him, hoping he was back from his evening seminar early. He was.

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