Page 94 of One Bossy Dare
“T-thanks, Uncle Troy.” Destiny pulls herself together, putting on a brave face. “That sounds kinda nice. I would like to see them again before we leave.”
I’m not sure why I’m frowning.
“Destiny, are you sure your dad’s cool with a boat ride without him?” I ask.
She looks at me and nods.
“Please take your phone,” I say, trying not to sound like the concerned adult and probably failing. “Um, you know how he is. Your dad makes you show it every time you go off by yourself, so I feel like if you don’t take your phone—”
That wins me a laugh. “He won’t be mad at you, Eliza. He’ll just crucify me. Don’t worry. I’ll take it, plus we’ve got Uncle Troy’s. I’m gonna go get ready.” She wanders off.
“You did a hell of a fine job back there,” Troy says.
“Thank you.” I feel like this conversation is going around in circles and this bizarre man just won’t stop smiling.
Why is he still here?
He stuffs his hands in his pockets, pacing around the balcony like he’s working up to something. Then he looks at me, his eyes all heavy silver discs.
“Honestly, you’ve done a good job befriending Destiny, too. I’ve known her folks since before she was born. She doesn’t let many people in, but she trusts you. The girl could use a cool older lady in her life. You know, what with her mom being gone and Cole being Cole...”
Again, that raucous, almost inappropriate laugh bursts out of him.
I look at him, confused. Maybe he just doesn’t hang out with people much.
“I haven’t known her that long. I just work for her father.”
That permanent grin grows wider, stretching his almost leathery tanned face. “Don’t be modest around me, lady. You’re good fucking news for both of them. I haven’t seen Cole this happy since—well, hell, ever.”
My heart twists.
Does that mean I am a surrogate then?
The notion is so creepy, I don’t know what to do about it.
I feel lucky Cole moaned my name the last time he came, and not his dead wife’s.
But I have to try to play this off. Go on with my day. Think things over without a crying girl and this odd man circling me.
“Thanks...I think? I guess I don’t know what you mean,” I say, playing it cool.
He looks away, scratching his neck.
“Oh, shit. Right,” he mutters to himself, turning back to me. “I saw you hug Cole in the meeting, and you seemed so close to the kid, I just assumed...” He trails off. “Aw, never mind. That’s the way this crazy noggin gets sometimes, always reading too much into things.”
He winks at me.
“No worries. I was just overly excited my drinks were a hit. Before my job at Wired Cup, I never even imagined a research job. It’s been a good fit for me. I get to spend my days inventing awesome coffees. If I ever open my own shop, I’ll have tons of drinks ready to go.”
“Hell yeah!” There’s something boyish about his enthusiasm and too-wide smiles.
I’m trying to decide how I can step away gracefully when I hear footsteps. I turn right into a pair of sky-blue eyes gleaming with gratitude.
“Eliza, you were fucking dynamite.” Cole slips his hand through mine, twining our fingers together. I try to pull away at first, but one look at him and I’m powerless.
The poor man has lost so much.
And here I am, jumping to the worst conclusion after a few goofy-ass remarks from Troy and Destiny’s understandable emotional dump.
When I squeeze his hand, he grips mine tighter.
I think everything might be okay. I think he sees me when he looks down, and not some weird mirror image of his last heartbreak.
But even if it’s not that what?
Does it change how he makes me feel?
This is a place where fantasies are born, come alive, and frolic.
What happens in Hawaii stays in Hawaii.
I just wonder what’s going to happen next when we get back to Seattle. Because whatever’s coming will be a lot more truthful, raw, and lasting than everything that’s happened in this magical place.
Cole’s thumb caresses my fingers.
I stop overthinking when I catch Troy staring. There’s a different smile on his face now, warm and maybe a little sad?
“Well, I should go pack and catch up with the munchkin,” he says, walking over and slapping Cole on the back. “I told her I’d take her out to see the dolphins one more time. Hope you don’t mind?”
“That’s fine. Make sure she has her phone,” he says after some pause. “Are you leaving?”
“Yeah, bright and early tomorrow morning. Almost a red-eye. I’ll catch up with you guys in Seattle.”
“Seattle? I thought you were going back to Bali?” Cole asks, his face turned up with surprise.
Weird. He’s the CEO. If his sourcing chief has something to do at headquarters to help close a billion-dollar deal, wouldn’t he know about it?