Page 18 of Reign
When I wake up the following day, I’m alone.
Lifting my head from the softest pillow I’ve ever slept on, I peer around Milton’s room only to find it empty. Instinctively, my eyes flicker to the window across the room, and my chest caves seeing that it’s morning.
There’s no more storm, the sun’s even shining, and I know before I sit up that Milton’s long gone.
Turning my head to the side of the bed he slept on, a box sits on his cold pillow—a white one with a black ribbon. Bitterness lances my chest as I pull off the lid and peer inside at the contents. Inside is a ring box, a smartphone, and a note.
Picking up the note first, as I open it, my suspicions are confirmed that he is gone. That he left without saying goodbye. Without telling me what his decision was about us.
I’ve gone backto Fair Haven to deal with a few urgent matters. You can text me what you think of your gift. — M.
Opening the ring box,I push my lips together.My god, Milton.The ring is stunning. Unlike the blocky metal of the last one, this X-shaped ring is frosted in diamonds that sparkle in the morning light. It’s delicately made, and somehow, I know it’s been created specifically for me. My chest constricts as I put it on, trying not to let the anger that he’s not here consume me.
Grabbing the phone, the screen lights up, and there’s already a message from him waiting for me. It makes me scoff that I can now go straight to the source without going through an employee if I need to contact him. I’ve been upgraded. How nice of him.
MILTON:Do you like your gift?
I’m angry at him for leaving me. After everything that happened and was said last night, he still left without a farewell. But am I surprised? Not in the least.
Glancing down at the phone, I’ve never texted a man before. I’ve never textedanyonebefore, and I don’t know what to say.
I love it?God, no.
I wish you’d have given it to me yourself?Needy.
It’ll do?Bitchy. But then, maybe I want to be a bitch right now.
ME:You left.
Hitting send, I wait for him to message me back, the muscles in my neck aching from how tense I am. My heart nearly stops when below my message changes to “read,” and he begins typing back.
MILTON: Reluctantly.
My stomach flutters, which feels weird. Running my hand through my hair, I gnaw at my bottom lip, not knowing what to say to that. While it’s not a declaration of devotion, it’s something, isn’t it?
MILTON: Have you met the staff yet?
Shit. The staff.
Catapulting out of bed, I can’t believe I didn’t think of the staff until he said. He did say he wouldn’t leave until they arrived, which means they have to be already downstairs. I’m in nothing but Milton’s T-shirt and naked underneath. I’m nowhere near my own room to grab clothes, and knowing my luck, I’ll bump into someone along my walk of shame.
Just as I’m about to lose it completely, I spot a pile of clothes on the ottoman at the bottom and sigh with relief when I inspect them. Lifting the phone, I start tapping out a reply.
ME:Thank you for getting me the clothes.
His response is immediate.
MILTON:I don’t fancy murdering anymore of my staff.
Snorting, I shake my head, realizing this is a different side of Milton I wasn’t expecting. Everything is always serious and intense between us in person, but he’s almost playful with me over text. Maybe this is just as weird to him as me, but something’s changed. Even through text, I feel the shift and wonder if this is what it’d be like to live in a world with him.
MILTON:There are two more gifts downstairs for you to meet. Something to keep you company while I’m away.
ME:And how long will that be?
He doesn’t reply, and I sigh. Why would he when he’s the master of torment?