Page 47 of Reign
The car is silent except for the distant hum of the engine and whenever Milton switches gears. He’s speeding, going way over the limit, and my head’s spinning. It could be because of what he told me not even ten minutes ago before ushering me out of the door and back into his car.
I want to say that I’m not afraid. Be the liar I’ve been accused of being. But Milton’s right—Iama liar.
“I know where they are.”
What a loaded statement—something he’s yet to even explain. All he’s done is taken me out of Maxim’s penthouse, back down the elevator, and straight into the car. When did he find out? How had we gone from eating dinner tothisso suddenly?
He obviously means he knows where Blake and the rest of the MC are, but I don’twanthim to know. We haven’t fixed anything. I’m not ready for Milton to go rushing off on a murder spree because of me.
But this is what I chose, isn’t it? This is what he said would happen. He all but told me this is what the darker parts of him want, and nothing will stop him.
It sounded great in theory—a hero come to slay my demons once and for all. But now that reality has come knocking on my door, I don’t want a hero. I just want him here with me. It feels like I’m being eaten alive from the inside out, like something crawling inside me trying to claw free. I’ve felt fear before, but this is different from anything I’ve ever experienced.
Stealing a glance in Milton’s direction, I watch his hands grip the wheel, his knuckles a stark shade of white. I open my mouth, wanting to plead, shout, scream at him, but all that comes out is a whisper. His name.
He hears me, and his grip tightens on the wheel.
“You want an explanation…” His eyes are focused on the dark road ahead.
“You know wherewhois?” I know the answer—we both know I do. But I need more. Clarification. I need him to justtalkto me.
“Blake. The MC,” he confirms without a beat, and even though I knew it to be already true, my heart drops deeply inside my chest. “They’re just north on the outskirts of Fair Haven. They’re in a compound.”
“How did you—”
“I had Deuce followed from the hospital,” he answers, and it confuses me more. “I shot his bike when I got you back. He crashed, ended up in the hospital in a coma.” I remember the sound of something crashing after Milton shot at them, but I had no idea it had been Deuce. He’d never told me after, but I hadn’t asked. “I got the call that he woke up today. Discharged himself. I had Barnes tail him, and he led them straight to a compound.”
Too easy.
Something cold drips through me, and panic grows in the pit of my stomach, expanding slowly. My teeth begin chattering, from being cold or fear, I don’t know.
“You’re just going to go there? By yourself?” He turns to me briefly, but the car’s interior is too dark to make out his expression correctly. Still, I know his answer.Yes.Letting out a shaky breath, my stomach turns.“This doesn’t feel right.”
“No. It’s not right!” Nicole only reminded me of what Blake’s like. Being with Milton—I’ve forgotten. Blake would’ve already anticipated this. It’s why she was there in the first place, to warn me.
“Hey.” Milton captures my fingers in his and squeezes them. “Stop. You’re panicking.”
I realize I’m gasping for air, my lungs too tight. “I can’t…I can’t breathe.”
His foot eases on the brake and slows the car down. Then, he pulls up alongside the main road and puts his hazard lights on. He unbuckles my belt next, and then his. Tugging my dress, he makes me climb over the gearbox until I’m on him.
“Breathe.” He holds me against him. It’s only in his embrace that I notice how brutally my body is shaking.
“Milton—please. It can’t be that easy.”
Pulling me back so he can see my face, his hands come around the back of my head. He holds me firmly as I cling to his jacket. Drawing me forward, his forehead presses against mine. “Trust me.”
“Trust?” I shake my head. “How can I trust someone who doesn’t trust me?”
“I have no choice but to trust you…even when you give me every reason not to.”
I frown at him. “Why?”
Taking my hand, he puts it on his chest, where his heart is beating fast. I can’t breathe again. “…Because of this.”