Page 145 of Rust
I snickered. “Fine.” I hated the feel of sunscreen on my skin, but I’d learned to let him dote over me in ways—it made him happy to care for me.
We watched the morning tide and enjoyed each other’s company.
And then I took a deep breath and told him what had been on my mind.
“So, Rust, I’ve been thinking.”
“About what?”
“What I want to do.”
He tilted his head. “Yeah? What’s that?”
I hadn’t posted any new content on my page in weeks. Rust told me he didn’t mind if I wanted to keep doing it; it was how I made my money, after all. But something inside me had changed—it started when I met Rust and only gotten strong ever since. I didn’twantto do it anymore. I still liked taking sexy pictures, but I only sent my “naughties” to one man: Rust.
Ever since I found out I was pregnant, my feelings were only cemented. Doubly-so when he proposed to me.Triply-so when I started showing.
“No more OnlyFans,” I said, squeezing his hand.
“Yeah? You sure?”
“A hundred percent,” I said, nodding with conviction. “I posted a goodbye message this morning.”
His eyes widened. “Wow.”
“And I decided I want to go back to school. I think I know what I want to study this time.”
“Yeah? What’s that?” he asked with a curious grin.
His smile only spread. “I knew it. That’s perfect. Oh, man. Whatever you end up doing, I just know you’re gonna kill it, Isabelle.”
“Think so?”
“Absolutely. I told you you’ve got a great business mind from the very beginning, didn’t I?”
“You did,” I said, grinning. “I figure I should learn the basics first, but I was thinking it could be fun to start an athletic clothing company: sports bras, leggings, you know, cool athletic wear for active men and women.” I bit my lip. “What do you think about that?”
“I think that’s a great idea, sweetheart. Let me know if there’s any way I can help.”
I giddily clapped my hands. “Soglad to hear you say that. Because as it happens, Imightneed a tall hockey stud to model my muscle shirts. And I knowjustthe man.”
“Oh, no. What have I gotten myself into?” Rust laughed. He patted my thigh. “Just kidding. I’d be happy to help.”
“Thank you, boo,” I said, and kissed him on the cheek.
Rust’s phone rang. He grabbed it from his pocket. “Your dad wants to FaceTime us. You mind?”
“Go for it.”
Rust answered. “Hey, fella! What’s happenin’?”
“Big fella! How’s the beach today?” Dad asked.
“Gorgeous as always, man.” Rust turned his phone around and panned across the beach. “But it’s our last day. We were just talking about how we’re going to miss it.”
“Bet you will. It looks lovely out there. Hey, how’s my daughter doing?”