Page 30 of Rust
“‘Always greet Minka before leaving the house and immediately upon arrival.’ Really? What happens if you’re in a rush, and you breeze right past her instead of saying hi?”
“You definitely don’t want to do that,” I warned. “She’ll ignore you for the rest of the day.”
“Really?! How?”
“She’ll straight up act like you don’t exist. It’s the worst feeling, being treated like your own dog doesn’t see you.”
“Minka! You adorable little psycho!” Isabelle laughed and read the next item on the list.
“‘Every meal, Minka gets two different types of kibble. Give her equal portions of both.’”
“She’ll know if you don’t give her both,” I said.
“And let me guess—she’ll be mad if the portions aren’t equal?”
I grinned. “You’re catching on quick.”
“‘Thermostat must be set no higher than 68F.’ Hey, I can’t argue with her on that one.”
“She hates warm weather. With that coat, I can’t blame her,” I said. “Which reminds me; she loves walks. But you’re better off taking her in the early morning or at night, once it’s cooled off. If it’s too hot when you take her out, she’ll be grouchy the whole time you’re walking her. She’ll literally scream the entire way.”
“Got it.” Isabelle laughed and beamed at me. “Rust, you’re so sweet and thorough,” she said, a hand on her chest. “This is totally melting my heart right now.”
I didn’t know what to say. “I… I just try to keep her happy.”
“I can tell.” Isabelle turned to Minka. “You’re very lucky to have such a loving and caring daddy, Minka.”
“I~wow,”Minka said.
Isabelle squealed. “Oh my God! It sounded like she said ‘I know!’”
“Yeah, she’ll do that. I’m pretty convinced she understands English. Check this out.” I knelt down and got her attention. “Hey, Minka! Love you.”
“RUH-ROO!”she answered.
“NO. WAY.” Isabelle’s jaw unhinged. “I wanna try! Minka! Love you!”
Isabelle squealed one long note of pure delight. “Oh my God. Ilovethis dog.”
“I can tell she already loves you, too. You two are going to get along great while I’m gone.” I gestured at the rest of the house. “So are you ready for the tour?”
Isabelle walked next to me, our sides occasionally brushing together as I showed her around. Minka followed closely behind.
We toured the kitchen first.
“Wow. Your house isamazing,Rust,” she said, running her fingertips along the marble countertops.
“Thanks. I got lucky. Hockey was kind to me.”
“Your place is so clean, too! I’m stunned.”
I chuckled. “I’ve got a cleaning lady. And it’s not always this spotless.” I could’ve left it at that, but for some reason, I added, “Plus, I cleaned up before you came.”
Yeah, maybe don’t admit that,I thought, silently kicking myself.