Page 42 of Rust
“Well, I can say with confidence that his dick isgiant, thanks to the grey sweatpants he was wearing—”
“Oooo,”the girls cooed. Like me, they were grey sweatpant afficionados.
“—but I did not fuck him.”
“Why not?!”
“Because our kiss lasted all of two seconds.”
April and Farrah both gasped.
“Two seconds?!”
I filled them in on the rest of the story: Dad’s phone call interrupting as soon as things got good; Minka barkingluvyouat the worst possible moment; the awkward goodbye with Rust and his heartbreaking insistence that we “forget” our kiss ever happened.
“So now I’m all torn up.” I sighed. I paddled at the water, but my raft didn’t go anywhere. “I’ve been thinking about that kiss ever since. I want to say something to him, but I don’t know what to say. I can tell you one thing, I’mnotgoing to be able to pretend like we never kissed like he wants.”
“Have you talked to him at all since the kiss?” Farrah asked.
I shook my head. “Only a few pictures of Minka.”
“Did he reply?”
“He reacted with a thumbs-up. Other than that, nothin’,” I said.
“Hm …”
“What do you want to get out of this situation, Izzy?” April asked. “Do you just want to fool around with Rust or do you want something more?”
I frowned. “I don’t know …”
“Well, that’s a big problem,” she said.
“Put yourself in his shoes. He’s been best friends with your dad for his whole life. Do you really think he’d risk throwing away a lifelong friendship for a fling?”
“Are you saying he wants something more?”
“I’ve got no idea what he wants,” April said. “I’m just saying, the fact that you’re his friend’s daughter is a big obstacle in his mind. And rightfully so, Izzy. The two of you need to tread carefully before you make a mistake you can’t take back.”
I sighed. “Yeah. You’re right.”
It was a bad idea. It was a fantasy—a very sexy one, no doubt—but that’s what it should’ve remained as. Rust was right. We needed to forget the kiss and move on for the good of everyone.
That’s how I felt for a second or two, anyway, when Farrah came charging to the rescue.
“Fuck all that,” she said brashly. “Iz, all you need to do is make the next move.”
I laughed. “Go on, I’m listening.”
“Put it to you like this. April’s right about one thing,” she said. “Rust is probably feeling like he’s the worst friend in the world right now. He made a move on his buddy’s daughter. And then for your dad to call him while he’s sucking your face? Yeah, that’s a mind torpedo. As fucked up as you’re feeling about what happened, just think, Rust probably feels ten times worse.”
April looked confused. “Um, so what exactly did I get wrong?”
“Because Isabelle doesn’t need to know if she’s ready to marry the guy or not! Who the hell knows what they want out of a relationship before they even truly know the guy? If you sit around waiting for something to happen, news flash, it’ll never come. You have to go out andget it.”