Page 13 of Hope for the Best
Chapter 5
One week later
This would be the fourth time this week that I would visit my dad at the Morgans'. The first three times, it was to help my dad move and unpack, but this time, I was making a trip to deliver lunch from Stacy's Black Skillet restaurant.
I had called my dad that morning to let him know I was coming by to bring him a housewarming gift. It was 10am when I called, and I asked if he wanted me to bring him lunch. AJ and Beau, (the Cameron brothers) were nearby when we talked to my dad, and they requested some food. I offered to take orders for the family, and there I was, fourteen burgers and some sides later.
Stacy's dad gave me a discount, and I got all of the food for a hundred dollars, which would show up on my tab later. I had always hated dealing with money, though, and I figured I might end up eating the cost to avoid awkward situations where I'm trying to get money from each of the family members.
It didn't matter. I was only thinking about money because I was trying to calm my nerves and distract myself from the fact that I was going into the main house and everyone would be waiting for me when I got there.
Stacy's parents wanted to impress the Morgans, so they packed everything carefully in an insulated bag. It was all in one big bag and it was cumbersome and heavy, but I smiled and tried my best to seem like it wasn't a struggle as I carried it inside.
They all made various comments when I came in, and I couldn't hear any of them until I made eye contact with Savannah. She was cool and easy, and both of us smiled when we saw each other.
"I didn't try this place the other day when the boys got it," she said.
"Oh, you didn't? You didn't get one of those burgers?"
She was smiling and shaking her head at me as Charlie stepped around her, reaching for the bag. I handed Charlie the bag reluctantly.
"Mine is in there," I said. "Mine and Dad's. I'll grab them really quick and get out of your hair. I'll come get the bag later."
"Stay and eat with us," Savannah said.
"Aw, thank you, but I told my dad I'd meet him at his place. I think we're eating over there."
"Your dad's here with my dad," Charlie said. "No pressure, but you could both just eat while you're here, if you want. What do we owe you for this? Did my dad already pay for it?"
He took the bag and carried it toward the kitchen.
"Yeah, I actually didn't have to… it sounds bad, but I have a running tab at that restaurant, and I haven't paid for it yet."
I wasn't expecting to encounter the Morgans and Camerons on such a grand scale. Some of the family hadn't been here at first, but now it seemed as if they had all converged in the large, two-room area. I had been here earlier in the week and seen most of them, but not all at the same time like this. I saw aunts and uncles and what seemed to be a couple of extra young women besides Savannah.
I glanced around at everyone as they came toward the kitchen, curiously inspecting the container of food. I heard them all remark as they spoke to each other, saying things like "It's from that burger place in Graham Springs."
Charlie set the bag on the table and opened it.
"Mine and Dad's are on the top, and the rest of them are labeled individually," I said.
There was a bag marked, "Hope," and I pointed to it, so Savannah reached in and handed it to me.
"Hey, Paul," Charlie said when my dad came into the room. "We told Hope you should hang out here and eat with us. The food's already this cold, so I thought you'd want to eat as soon as you can."
"It's actually not that cold," I said, touching the bag and feeling how warm it was.
"Up to you," Charlie said. He gave me a hopeful expression, and I smiled and shrugged.
"I definitely don't mind eating here," I said. "I'm hungry."
Charlie and Savannah both gave me a satisfied nod and everybody started gathering around while Max and Donnie set out plates, silverware, and napkins. People got in line to find their orders, so Dad and I got out of their way. We found a spot in the dining room near Astrid and Danny Cameron. Beau was in there as well, but he left to get his own food. While he was gone, Charlie and Savannah came to sit at the table with us.
"Hope, what do you do for a living?" Astrid asked.
I had never thought of myself as having a career, but I told her what my job was. "I work at a pediatrician's office. I do a lot there, but mostly I work in the front—scheduling, billing, and things like that."
"So, I guess you're off on Saturdays," she said.