Page 24 of Hope for the Best
He talked to Hope on the phone that night, and he tried not to act any different than usual. She mentioned AJ and the fact that she would be coming over the next day, and Charlie felt a pang of jealousy. He pretended he was completely unaffected. He hated that his dad had put these thoughts into his head. Before today, the thought of being with Hope hadn't even crossed his mind. He was still mourning the loss of Savannah, and moving on wasn't an option.But was love an option?Charlie felt like, technically, it might be an option by this point. He was suddenly confused and flustered, and he blamed his father for all of it.
But he talked on the phone with Hope for over an hour that night, and he started to notice how well they got along. He had fun talking to her, and he thought she might have been the difference between him being okay and not being okay during these last few months.
The two of them spoke about their day, and then they talked about food and then about television. It was light and easy conversation, like always. Nothing was fake or forced.
Charlie wondered if he had feelings for Hope Jones. He knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that if he did have any feelings for her, they were not mutual. But he couldn't deny that he felt something. Something had shifted with him.
"What time are you coming over tomorrow?" he asked when they were wrapping up their conversation.
"I planned on coming out there when I get off work," Hope answered. "I think AJ's coming in at noon."
Charlie wondered why she cared so much about when AJ would be there. She had said it herself that she knew there would never be anything long-term with her and AJ.So why was she even coming out there to hang out with him?
"You were quiet for a long time. You were asking when I was coming over tomorrow, and I said after work."
"Okay, that's fine," he said, feeling agitated and confused.
"All right, well, I guess I'll let you go," she said. Her tone was slightly hesitant. It was as if she could tell something was wrong with him.
"Okay, yeah. I'll talk to you tomorrow," he said, trying his best to act normal and say normal things.
"Okay see, you tomorrow. Night, Charlie."
"Night, Hope."