Page 9 of Hope for the Best
Chapter 4
I was over at Landon's house the following evening when I got a phone call from my dad. He always called instead of texting, so it wasn't a surprise when my phone rang and I saw his name flash across my screen.
I couldn’t answer it. My hands were full of chalk and I was getting ready to start climbing Landon's rock wall, so I didn't pick it up. I told Landon it was my dad and that I'd call him back. Usually, my dad would leave a message and I would hear the signal indicating that I had a voicemail. But today, he called back a second time. I was just about to start climbing as my phone rang again. I quickly wiped off my hands and jogged over to it.
"Hey, what's up?" I said, feeling worried as I pressed the button and put the phone to my ear.
"You'll never believe what happened to me just now," Dad said.
"I have no idea," I said. "Are you okay?" I shrugged at Landon who was looking at me like he was wondering what my dad was saying. My dad sounded lighthearted which wasn't what I was expecting seeing as how he double-called.
"Max Morgan called me and asked me if I wanted a job."
"What? Really?"
"Yes. It's a contract for a year's work, and I get to live out there on the property again. Can you believe that?"
"Are you taking it?"
"Am I taking it? What do you mean? I already took it."
"You told them you would?"
"Yes, of course."
"Do you have to quit your other job?"
"Of course. But it's as much as I'm making at Ace, and I get free rent back in Broken Arrow. They've got that house all fixed up."
"Only for a year, though. You've been at the hardware store for five years. You're managing."
"Yeah, I know, but it's still worth the gamble, Hope. It's Broken Arrow. Even if it only works out for a year, I still want to do it. Plus, he said they may hang onto the house and extend my contract. Max and his boys are talking about buying it."
"And they would be able to afford to have you live there and work there? What kind of people can afford to just hire a man to work and live at their house that they barely ever use?"
"I thought you would be excited," he said. "I thought you would be happy for me."
"Do you feel like you're a servant to them?"
"I guess, if you want to look at it that way. But I don't mind. It's a fulfilling job. It's a beautiful property. I thought you'd remember it."
"I know, I do, and I am happy for you if you're happy, I just thought maybe you were better off where you were. What if they don't need you in a year, and you have to move all your stuff back into an apartment?"
"Well, then I guess I'll have to move my stuff," my dad said.
Landon, who was listening to our one-sided conversation, made a questioning face at me, and I put a finger in the air at him.
"That's really good news," I said happily to my dad since I knew that's what he wanted to hear. "It's awesome."
"Max said you should come by with me."
"He said that?" I asked.
"Yeah, he asked about you and Eric. He said his boys ran into you at Stan's restaurant."
"Yeah, they were there yesterday getting a bunch of hamburgers. It's weird having them back. When are you moving in?"
"Tomorrow. Whenever I want. They're ready for me to start working. I told them I was going to give Ace my two-week's notice. I'm on a month-by-month lease with my apartment, so I'm just going to end it next month."