Page 4 of Love and Protect
Instead, the message read like a sex scene from an erotic novel… or how he imagined sex scenes in erotic stories would be. He wasn’t much of a reader, and when he picked up a book, they tended to be historical nonfiction ones, not cheesy romances.
After sending back a “sorry you have the wrong number” text, he’d deleted the message, expecting that to be the end of it. But he got a similar one tonight as he followed Spike into the elevator after their debrief with Ax. Like last night, no phone number appeared with the text, telling him whoever sent it was using a messaging app. Unlike the previous night’s, though, this time, the sender started with “Hi Keith” before detailing all the ways she wanted him to take her. So, either the messages were intended for another guy named Keith with a similar phone number, or he knew the sender and the texts were for him. He didn’t need someone with a doctorate in statistics to tell him which was more likely. Last year at this time, he would’ve found the messages entertaining. He might have even suggested to whoever was sending them that they get together and act them out.
Now he found them to be a major pain in the ass. One that could torpedo his relationship with Maddie if she saw them and jumped to the wrong conclusion. He liked to think she trusted him, but he did have a shitty track record in the relationship department. And even though he trusted Maddie, if she’d been the one receiving the explicit messages and he saw them, he’d be pissed off.
Although they’d left the pub at the same time, thanks to the grandpa in front of him who didn’t know you were supposed to speed up at a yellow light rather than stop at it, he’d hit the red light at the intersection of Maple and Grove—something no one ever wanted to do. The timing of the stupid thing was all screwed up, and it took an eternity for it to change from red to green.
Maddie opened the front door before he knocked. He didn’t know how much sooner she’d gotten home, but she’d already changed into PJ shorts and a T-shirt featuring Oscar the Grouch. He’d find the outfit the farthest thing from being sexy on anyone else. But, on Maddie, it had him hoping they had enough condoms to get through the night, because he didn’t feel like making a midnight trip to the store.
Following her lead, he kept his hands to himself when they were around their friends. Or at least he tried. Sometimes, like earlier tonight, he couldn’t resist, but unless Spike or Salty had X-ray vision, they couldn’t see where he’d had his hand under the table.
But no one was around now.
He didn’t bother with a verbal greeting. Closing the door behind him, Keith covered her lips with his and pulled her against him. Without any encouragement, she parted her lips and leaned into him.
Soon kissing her was no longer enough. Sliding his hands under her T-shirt, he cupped her breast and moved his mouth to her neck.
“All day, I’ve been thinking about this.” Slowly, he rubbed his thumb across her nipple, his body tightening a little more with each pass.
Yanking his shirt free of his waistband, Maddie placed her palms on his bare skin, sending Keith’s current state of arousal from a six to a nine. “I thought you were monitoring Neil’s wire.” Her fingertips slowly traveled up his spine and then reversed course.
“It’s called multitasking.” Before moving his attention to her other breast, Keith gently pinched her nipple, and she groaned. “Don’t you ever think of this while you’re walking through museums and looking at paintings?”
Keith didn’t believe her. “Not even when you’re sitting through those plays?” He treated her left breast to the same treatment and was rewarded with another groan of pleasure.
Maddie shook her head as her hands moved from his back to his belt buckle. “There is only one time I think about this.” She ran her palm down the length of him before going back to undo his belt. “When I’m alone at night and I have Mr. Big to do what you’re not there to.”
He could handle anything, but an image of Maddie pleasuring herself was almost enough to do him in.
With his belt out of the way, she slipped the button free on his jeans and eased the zipper down. “In case you were wondering, I thought about this last night when I got home from the theater.” Shrugging, she met his eyes. “And, unfortunately, you weren’t here.”
Slamming his lips down on hers, Keith ran his fingertips down her back and under the waistband of her shorts. When his hands landed on bare skin instead of the soft cotton underwear he expected, what little self-control he had left vaporized. Somehow, he managed to get a condom from his wallet and put it on. Then, backing Maddie up against the door, Keith picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he joined their bodies.
On his sixteenth birthday,Keith had had sex for the first time. It’d been his birthday present from Melinda Percy, his girlfriend at the time. Her parents had gone on vacation and left Melinda at home with her twenty-one-year-old sister, Leigh. Leigh, the loving older sister that she was, had bought them a six-pack of beer and then spent the night at her boyfriend’s apartment, leaving them alone in the house.
Since Melinda, he’d slept with his fair share of women and enjoyed every second of it. But none of those experiences compared to sex with Maddie. It was as if he’d been playing in the minor league for the past eighteen years and was finally in the majors.
Rolling onto his side, Keith propped himself up on his elbow. After their quickie against the front door, they’d retreated down the hall to her bedroom, where they’d taken things at a much slower pace.
“You named your dildo?” he asked, her comment from earlier suddenly popping into his head.
“It’s a vibrator,” she replied without opening her eyes.
Like there’s much of a difference.
“Okay, I’ll rephrase. You named your vibrator?”
Maddie turned her head so she faced him and met his eyes. “Do you think I would do that?”
“Hey, you’re the one who referred to it as ‘Mr. Big,’ not me.”
“That’s the name on the box it came in. But the name describes it well.”
Maddie’s lips curved into a smile as she nodded. “Don’t worry, though, I much prefer you.”