Page 41 of Love and Protect
Lisa choked on the wine she’d swallowed, and both women looked at her as she coughed.
“Are you okay?” Maddie asked, genuine concern in her voice.
“It went—” She coughed again. “—down the wrong way.”
Maddie waited until Lisa stopped coughing before answering Alex’s question. “Yeah, I’m going to ask him. He spends more time at my house than at his place, so it makes little sense for him to keep paying rent. I don’t know when his lease agreement is up, though, so he might want to wait.”
“You haven’t been together even six months. Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Pulling out her cell phone, Lisa sent a brief message to Jeremy, so he knew the plans for tonight had changed.
“We’ve known each other for almost two years. I’m sure about it.”
Pure hatred washed through her body. The roomful of customers was the only thing preventing Lisa from plunging the steak knife on the table into Maddie’s chest.
Rather than befriending her and trying to come between Maddie and Keith, Lisa should’ve gotten rid of the woman the day she followed Maddie home from Keith’s apartment building. If Lisa had done that, she would’ve been the one Keith took to Maine. Right now, he would be on his way to her house after the game and would spend the night in her bed. And instead of Maddie and Keith planning a romantic trip for next month, they would be.
It was time to correct her mistake because Maddie had to go. And if it couldn’t happen tonight, it would happen in the next day or two.