Page 65 of Losing an Edge
“There’s something I can check off the bucket list.”
“Just be glad he didn’t kiss you like this,” I said, stretching up on my tiptoes and sealing my lips over his.
I kept it short because today was not about the two of us. Apparently I didn’t keep it short enough. Cam caught my eye once I’d broken off the kiss, and he ground his jaw in the distance.
Behave, I mouthed at him across the living room.
Tell him to behave, he mouthed back.
I laughed and shook my head, then tucked my hand into Levi’s arm and led him off to talk to some other acquaintances from the world of figure skating.
Before long, it was time to cut the cake. A woman who was so hot she made me look like a bum came out with the aforementioned ice cream cake with chocolate-covered-bacon roses for decoration. I’d never seen anything less appealing in my life, but it was exactly what Jesse wanted—and Anthony would never deny Jesse anything if he could manage to avoid doing so.
Mia Quincey got herself into position and choreographed the two of them cutting into the cake. I blinked, and then ice cream was flying. Literally.
“Um” —I looked at Levi, wide-eyed— “ready to skedaddle?”
“It’s okay for us to sneak out early?”
“Unless you really want to get hit with ice cream and bacon?”
He took my hand, and we made a mad dash for the front door, laughing and grabbing our coats on the way. We were still laughing by the time we were in the car and moving.
At a stoplight, Levi turned to me and brushed something off my cheek, then put it in his mouth. “Hmm. Bacon and ice cream isn’t half bad. Who knew?”
I was about to tell him that apparently Jesse did, when he leaned over and kissed the same spot on my cheek, flicking his tongue against my skin. Then I couldn’t say anything. Heck, I couldn’t even breathe anymore, not after my initial gasp from the contact.
He straightened away from me and started driving again when the light turned green.
The rest of the way to his apartment, my ability to concentrate was nil. All I could think about was the soft touch of his lips and tongue against my skin and how I wanted more of it.
Once we got inside, Levi came up behind me and helped me out of my coat. The warmth of the material had barely left me when the heat of his lips replaced it. He kissed me right where my neck melted into my collarbone, and I shivered. That was one of the spots he’d discovered early on—one of the ones that made me melt into a puddle of goo and had me willing to do almost anything he suggested.
“Cold?” he murmured, his lips still making contact with my skin. He wrapped his arms around my waist and drew me back against him.
I shook my head. “Not cold. If anything, I’m hot.”
“You don’t have to tell me that,” he teased.
I was tempted to elbow him in the ribs, but I was too short to reach him there. I might accidentally hit him somewhere that might cause damage, or at least put a quick end to what I hoped we were starting. Instead, I linked my hands with his, threading our fingers together.
“I got you a Valentine’s Day present,” he said, his mouth so close to my ear that his voice sent reverberations through my whole body. “I hope that’s allowed at this point in our relationship.”
“A present?” I asked, both elated and upset at the same time. “I didn’t think to get you anything.”
“Good. Because I want this to be all about you right now.” He took a moment to hang our coats in the closet, then reached for my hand and led me into the living room. “Sit here and close your eyes,” he said, nudging me onto the couch.
“I’m not good at keeping my eyes closed.”
“No, you’ve got too much of Connor in you. Can’t do what you’re told.” He winked. “Close them, or I’ll blindfold you.”
I bit my lip to suppress a grin. “You could blindfold me if you want.”
He stared for a minute. Then he shook his head. “Don’t give me ideas. Close your eyes.”
I closed my eyes and waited until I heard him doing something in his bedroom. Then I opened them again. He was right. There was a bit of Connor’s devious streak in me. Maybe that was where he’d gotten it, because that little boy’s nature was about as different from Cam’s as possible.
A moment later, Levi came back carrying a small box, big enough to hold a stack of index cards. “You’re supposed to have your eyes closed,” he said accusingly.