Page 67 of Losing an Edge
She kissed me again, sucking my lower lip between hers and flicking her tongue against my skin. “I solemnly swear that I am making trouble, and you’re going to like it or else.”
“That’s not even close to the quote.”
“It’s close enough. Besides, I don’t care about that at the moment. What I care about is you gave me a box of cards, and you’re letting me pick what I want from you, and this is what I want. And if you don’t stop asking questions and take me to bed, I’ll start twisting quotes from the Dowager Countess of Grantham, instead.”
“Oh, God. Not Downton Abbey. Please, don’t torture me like that.”
“Levi…” She had the most adorable warning tone in her voice, like I’d heard her use several times with Connor when he was misbehaving.
I was tempted to peck her on the nose again, to further infuriate her, but I held back. “I’m done. No more.” I stood up, holding Cadence by the waist. She wrapped her legs around me, and the skirt of her dress inched upward until it was barely covering her at all. Her gorgeous, bare thighs squeezed tight around me.
She worked on undoing my tie as I carried her to my bedroom. By the time I set her on her feet in front of me, she had the knot undone. It slipped free from my collar and remained in her hand.
“You planning to use that for something?” I asked in a teasing tone.
She shrugged, her eyes sharpening while a devious smile came to her lips. “I don’t know. I’m sure there are a lot of things we could do with this.”
“Maybe some other time.” I slid my fingertips up her rib cage and over the length of her arm, then took the tie away from her and tossed it to the floor. “Not this time. I don’t want anything between us this first time.”
“Okay.” She lowered her eyes until all I saw were lids and lashes, and she bit her lower lip in a move that was equally innocent and sultry. Then she slipped her hands up my chest and started undoing the buttons of my shirt.
I had to suck in some air to be sure I kept breathing through whatever she had in mind. “Okay?” I repeated.
She nodded, dragging my shirt free from my waistband to finish getting it open. “You can have what you want if I can have what I want.”
“And what do you want?”
“I don’t want you to be careful with me. Everyone’s constantly trying to be sure I’m not hurt, that no one’s done anything to me.” There was a fire burning in her eyes that would melt me if I wasn’t careful. “Tonight, I want you to do things to me. Dirty things. Messy things. The kind of things you could never talk about in front of the guys without turning bright red from embarrassment.”
“But…I thought the first time should be sweet and romantic.” Hell, it was Valentine’s Day. Wasn’t I supposed to be doing the whole flowers, chocolate, and candles thing? Not mauling her like a piece of meat. Don’t get me wrong—mauling her sounded seriously fucking good, but it wasn’t how I’d envisioned any of this would go. Especially since I was falling so hard for her. Hell, I never thought I’d be taking her to my bed so soon. The wild and crazy part, with her adorable-one-minute-turning-to-sex-goddess-the-next eyes, might do me in and make it official.
The L word. How could I have possibly gone from trying to one-up my brother to falling in love in the blink of an eye? But I clearly had.
“We’ve got lots of time later for slow and sweet. Right now, this first time? I want it hot and fast and loud. Frantic, like I am.” She undid my belt buckle and the fly of my slacks, never removing her eyes from mine. Then she dropped her hand lower until the tips of her fingers barely grazed my straining cock.
My heart was about two solid beats shy of bursting through my ribs, simply from the thought of all she was asking of me. But then I stopped thinking entirely. There was no room for thought in this. Only for action.
“You’re sure that’s what you want?” I asked.
She nodded, delving lower to wrap her hand all the way around me.
I groaned, but then I spun around so Cadence’s back was against the wall. I picked her up by the waist, pinned her in place with my hips and thighs, and kissed her as hard as I’d been dreaming of.
She let out a tiny sound, and I backed off a bit in case I’d hurt her. She pulled me closer, putting both arms around my neck and nipping at my lower lip the same way she always bit her own. Then she squeezed me with her thighs and ground against me.
“Oh, fuck, baby,” I said on a groan.
I fumbled with the zipper in the back of her dress, but it was no use. Couldn’t get it to budge, so I caressed her breasts through the fabric. Her nipples were hard nubs, even through all the fabric. I slid my hands up her thighs, lifting the skirt out of the way until it bunched at her waist. She was so slick and hot that her panties were soaked, and I’d barely touched her.
She shoved my shirt and suit jacket over my shoulders, and they pooled at my feet while she worked on lowering my pants. “Condom,” she panted.
“Hell.” Wasn’t thinking. Not at all.
I carried her with me to the bathroom, kicking off my pants as I went, and pressed her against the door frame for stability. Then I ripped open the top drawer, where I had a small stash. Fumbled around until I got my hands on one. I tried to get the stupid thing open, but I was too hot and sweaty and frustrated to get the job done.
“Give it to me,” she said, ripping it from my hands. In no time, she had the foil wrapper open. I slipped the condom into place as she tugged her panties to the side.
Then I was inside her.