Page 23 of Listen to Me
“With teenagers, there’s always something to worry about.”
“But the police don’t need to. Let Jane know that.” He gets back in his Camaro, which he had left idling at the curb, and roars away, toward his own house.
I stand on my porch, frowning at the receding taillights. Wondering if I should call Jackie to check on his story. But of course he would’ve told her the same thing, would’ve shown her the same text message from Tricia.
If it really is from Tricia.
Across the street, a slit of light shines in the window. One ofthe Greens is peering through the blinds, and I can almost feel a pair of eyes watching me through the slat. At once, I retreat into my house.
Looking out the window from my dark living room, I see the same row of houses that’ve always been here, the same street I’ve lived on for forty years. But tonight everything seems different, as if I’ve crossed into some parallel world and I’m now looking at the evil twin of my old neighborhood. A neighborhood where every house, every family, hides a secret.
I slide the deadbolt shut. Just in case.