Page 108 of The One You Want
“Stop, Maggie. Enough,” Marc warned.
She ignored him. “So he called you that night all hot and bothered and looking for a ride and a good time? For old time’s sake, right?”
“Yeah. You know, I was lonely and Marc’s fun, so I picked him up, thinking... you know. But he couldn’t... you know, because he was so drunk. I stayed the night to be sure he was okay, and man was his dad pissed when he walked in on us.”
Matt eyed Marc, who looked fit to kill.
“Andrea. Shut up!”
Maggie glanced from Marc to Gray and caught his wince.
“At least you didn’t lie about not having sex with her,” Gray announced, revealing he knew about Marc getting caught with Andrea by Matt.
It explained why Marc’s father almost didn’t attend dinner tonight.
Maggie eyed Marc and raised a brow and said to Andrea, “But he asked you to send those texts because he wanted to get back at my friend for telling me that he slept with her.”
“Yeah. He didn’t like that. And then she went and started sleeping with his cousin and he really didn’t like that. I didn’twant to do it, but then I could get back at her for sleeping with my man, and he kind of made some promises, and you know . . .”
Maggie really didn’t know why she’d do something like that to someone she didn’t know. Or anyone, for that matter. And Marc was the only one at fault for cheating on her, not Rose.
“Thank you for your honesty, Andrea. It’s more than Marc is capable of after using me all this time. Don’t take his calls. Don’t see him again. He cheated on you once and now he’s made you lie for him. You can do better. No one is that lonely and desperate to be treated like shit.”
“You’re right. Fuck you, Marc.” Andrea hung up.
“Fucking bitch!” Marc dropped his hand from his bloody head, fisting it at his side.
Maggie didn’t know if he directed that expletive at her or Andrea. She didn’t care anymore. She stared at Marc, her heart not broken but resigned that this was over. Part of her was happy it happened, because it made it so easy to know what to do. “Obviously, the wedding is off. And I never want to see you again.”
Marc took a step toward her. “This is all Rose’s fault. If she’d kept her mouth shut—”
Maggie stepped back. She didn’t want to be near Marc ever again.
Gray closed in on Marc. “What? You wouldn’t have tried to break us up some other way?”
“She was mine first.”
“Grow up,” Gray snapped. “You sabotage every relationship.You could have married Maggie and tried to be the man she deserves, but instead you hurt three women, and for what? So I wouldn’t have Rose. So you could blow up the wedding your father wants for you but you don’t really want at all.”
Marc turned his head away, but not before Maggie saw the answer so clearly in his eyes. “You are not getting what’s rightfully mine.”
“Rose was never yours. She was single. You had some fun, but it was never a relationship. You had something real with Maggie, though, but it’s not a surprise you ruined it, because you don’t care about anyone more than you care about yourself.”
Marc shrugged that off. “Screw you and Rose. Keep her for all I care. But you’re not getting my father’s business.”
Maggie shook her head. “All of this because you’re petty. If you’d spent your time and energy building up those relationships instead of tearing them down, you’d have what Gray has. Instead you lose it all trying to take things away from Gray.”
“Whatever.” Marc dismissed her in such a careless manner, it actually got through the numbness and felt like a jab to the heart. “You don’t know what it’s been like living in Gray’s shadow. He can do no wrong. Everything he wants, he gets.”
Maggie looked at Gray, her heart sinking. “Wow. I guess I just don’t measure up to Rose.”
Marc sighed and pressed the ice pack the manager handed him to the goose egg on his head. “I didn’t say that,” he snapped, frustrated none of this was going his way. “All Rose had to do was keep her mouth shut from the beginning.”
“I’m glad she told the truth because in the end it madeyou show me how little I matter to you.” She choked out the words past her hurt and resentment. “Not because of the past but because you tried to break up a friendship that has lasted from kindergarten to now. You tried to break up a relationship between Gray and Rose because you could see the bond they shared, the love that's already there. I don’t even want to know what you promised Andrea for her participation, especially after you cheated on her with Rose.” She couldn’t contain her disgust. “Why she’d agree to be the other woman after that, I have no idea. But whatever you promised wasn’t worth the heartbreak you’d serve her later.
“I mean, who are you? What do you care about? Because it’s obviously not me.” Her voice cracked despite the rage. “It’s not Gray.”
“Yeah, well, Rose is going to pay for fucking up my life.”